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/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Important notes: - We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons. This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it. Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* File: Main source */ /* Author: Xavier Roche */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <ctype.h> /* File defs */ #include "htscore.h" /* specific definitions */ #include "htsbase.h" #include "htsnet.h" #include "htsbauth.h" #include "htsmd5.h" #include "htsindex.h" /* external modules */ #include "htsmodules.h" // htswrap_add #include "htswrap.h" /* END specific definitions */ /* HTML parsing */ #if HTS_ANALYSTE t_hts_htmlcheck_init hts_htmlcheck_init; t_hts_htmlcheck_uninit hts_htmlcheck_uninit; t_hts_htmlcheck_start hts_htmlcheck_start; t_hts_htmlcheck_end hts_htmlcheck_end; t_hts_htmlcheck_chopt hts_htmlcheck_chopt; t_hts_htmlcheck hts_htmlcheck; t_hts_htmlcheck_query hts_htmlcheck_query; t_hts_htmlcheck_query2 hts_htmlcheck_query2; t_hts_htmlcheck_query3 hts_htmlcheck_query3; t_hts_htmlcheck_loop hts_htmlcheck_loop; t_hts_htmlcheck_check hts_htmlcheck_check; t_hts_htmlcheck_pause hts_htmlcheck_pause; t_hts_htmlcheck_filesave hts_htmlcheck_filesave; t_hts_htmlcheck_linkdetected hts_htmlcheck_linkdetected; t_hts_htmlcheck_xfrstatus hts_htmlcheck_xfrstatus; t_hts_htmlcheck_savename hts_htmlcheck_savename; char _hts_errmsg[1100]=""; int _hts_in_html_parsing=0; int _hts_in_html_done=0; // % done int _hts_in_html_poll=0; // parsing int _hts_setpause=0; //httrackp* _hts_setopt=NULL; char** _hts_addurl=NULL; /* external modules */ extern int hts_parse_externals(htsmoduleStruct* str); extern void htspe_init(void); // int _hts_cancel=0; #endif int exit_xh; /* quick exit (fatal error or interrupt) */ /* debug */ #if DEBUG_SHOWTYPES char REG[32768]="\n"; #endif #if NSDEBUG int nsocDEBUG=0; #endif // #define _CLRSCR printf("\33[m\33[2J"); #define _GOTOXY(X,Y) printf("\33[" X ";" Y "f"); #if DEBUG_CHECKINT #define _CHECKINT_FAIL(a) printf("\n%s\n",a); fflush(stdout); exit(1); #define _CHECKINT(obj_ptr,message) \ if (obj_ptr) {\ if (( * ((char*) (obj_ptr)) != 0) || ( * ((char*) (((char*) (obj_ptr)) + sizeof(*(obj_ptr))-1)) != 0)) {\ char msg[1100];\ if (( * ((char*) (obj_ptr)) != 0) && ( * ((char*) (((char*) (obj_ptr)) + sizeof(*(obj_ptr))-1)) != 0))\ sprintf(msg,"* PANIC: Integrity error (structure crushed) in: %s",message);\ else if ( * ((char*) (obj_ptr)) != 0)\ sprintf(msg,"* PANIC: Integrity error (start of structure) in: %s",message);\ else\ sprintf(msg,"* PANIC: Integrity error (end of structure) in: %s",message);\ _CHECKINT_FAIL(msg);\ }\ } else {\ char msg[1100];\ sprintf(msg,"* PANIC: NULL pointer in: %s",message);\ _CHECKINT_FAIL(msg);\ } #endif #if DEBUG_HASH // longest hash chain? int longest_hash[3]={0,0,0},hashnumber=0; #endif // demande d'interaction avec le shell #if HTS_ANALYSTE char HTbuff[2048]; #endif // DÈbut de httpmirror, routines annexes // version 1 pour httpmirror // flusher si on doit lire peu ‡ peu le fichier #define test_flush if (opt.flush) { fflush(opt.log); fflush(opt.errlog); } // pour allÈger la syntaxe, des raccourcis sont crÈÈs #define urladr (liens[ptr]->adr) #define urlfil (liens[ptr]->fil) #define savename (liens[ptr]->sav) //#define level (liens[ptr]->depth) // au cas o˘ nous devons quitter rapidement xhttpmirror (plus de mÈmoire, etc) // note: partir de liens_max.. vers 0.. sinon erreur de violation de mÈmoire: les liens suivants // ne sont plus ‡ nous.. agh! [dur celui-l‡] #if HTS_ANALYSTE #define HTMLCHECK_UNINIT { \ if ( (opt.debug>0) && (opt.log!=NULL) ) { \ fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"engine: end"LF); \ } \ hts_htmlcheck_end(); \ } #else #define HTMLCHECK_UNINIT #endif #define XH_extuninit { \ int i; \ HTMLCHECK_UNINIT \ if (liens!=NULL) { \ for(i=lien_max-1;i>=0;i--) { \ if (liens[i]) { \ if (liens[i]->firstblock==1) { \ freet(liens[i]); \ liens[i]=NULL; \ } \ } \ } \ freet(liens); \ liens=NULL; \ } \ if (filters && filters[0]) { \ freet(filters[0]); filters[0]=NULL; \ } \ if (filters) { \ freet(filters); filters=NULL; \ } \ if (back) { \ int i; \ for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) { \ back_delete(back,i); \ } \ freet(back); back=NULL; \ } \ checkrobots_free(&robots);\ if (cache.use) { freet(cache.use); cache.use=NULL; } \ if (cache.dat) { fclose(cache.dat); cache.dat=NULL; } \ if (cache.ndx) { fclose(cache.ndx); cache.ndx=NULL; } \ if (cache.olddat) { fclose(cache.olddat); cache.olddat=NULL; } \ if (cache.lst) { fclose(cache.lst); cache.lst=NULL; } \ if (cache.txt) { fclose(cache.txt); cache.txt=NULL; } \ if (opt.log) fflush(opt.log); \ if (opt.errlog) fflush(opt.errlog);\ if (makestat_fp) { fclose(makestat_fp); makestat_fp=NULL; } \ if (maketrack_fp){ fclose(maketrack_fp); maketrack_fp=NULL; } \ if (opt.accept_cookie) cookie_save(opt.cookie,fconcat(opt.path_log,"cookies.txt")); \ if (makeindex_fp) { fclose(makeindex_fp); makeindex_fp=NULL; } \ if (cache_hashtable) { inthash_delete(&cache_hashtable); } \ if (template_header) { freet(template_header); template_header=NULL; } \ if (template_body) { freet(template_body); template_body=NULL; } \ if (template_footer) { freet(template_footer); template_footer=NULL; } \ structcheck_init(-1); \ } #define XH_uninit XH_extuninit if (r.adr) { freet(r.adr); r.adr=NULL; } // Enregistrement d'un lien: // on calcule la taille nÈcessaire: taille des 3 chaÓnes ‡ stocker (taille forcÈe paire, plus 2 octets de sÈcuritÈ) // puis on vÈrifie qu'on a assez de marge dans le buffer - sinon on en rÈalloue un autre // enfin on Ècrit ‡ l'adresse courante du buffer, qu'on incrÈmente. on dÈcrÈmente la taille dispo d'autant ensuite // codebase: si non nul et si .class stockee on le note pour chemin primaire pour classes // FA,FS: former_adr et former_fil, lien original #define REALLOC_SIZE 8192 #if HTS_HASH #define liens_record_sav_len(A) #else #define liens_record_sav_len(A) (A)->sav_len=strlen((A)->sav) #endif #define liens_record(A,F,S,FA,FF) { \ int notecode=0; \ int lienurl_len=((sizeof(lien_url)+HTS_ALIGN-1)/HTS_ALIGN)*HTS_ALIGN,\ adr_len=strlen(A),\ fil_len=strlen(F),\ sav_len=strlen(S),\ cod_len=0,\ former_adr_len=strlen(FA),\ former_fil_len=strlen(FF); \ if (former_adr_len>0) {\ former_adr_len=(former_adr_len/HTS_ALIGN)*HTS_ALIGN+HTS_ALIGN*2; \ former_fil_len=(former_fil_len/HTS_ALIGN)*HTS_ALIGN+HTS_ALIGN*2; \ } else former_adr_len=former_fil_len=0;\ if (strlen(F)>6) if (strnotempty(codebase)) if (strfield(F+strlen(F)-6,".class")) { notecode=1; \ cod_len=strlen(codebase); cod_len=(cod_len/HTS_ALIGN)*HTS_ALIGN+HTS_ALIGN*2; } \ adr_len=(adr_len/HTS_ALIGN)*HTS_ALIGN+HTS_ALIGN*2; fil_len=(fil_len/HTS_ALIGN)*HTS_ALIGN+HTS_ALIGN*2; sav_len=(sav_len/HTS_ALIGN)*HTS_ALIGN+HTS_ALIGN*2; \ if ((int) lien_size < (int) (adr_len+fil_len+sav_len+cod_len+former_adr_len+former_fil_len+lienurl_len)) { \ lien_buffer=(char*) ((void*) calloct(add_tab_alloc,1)); \ lien_size=add_tab_alloc; \ if (lien_buffer!=NULL) { \ liens[lien_tot]=(lien_url*) (void*) lien_buffer; lien_buffer+=lienurl_len; lien_size-=lienurl_len; \ liens[lien_tot]->firstblock=1; \ } \ } else { \ liens[lien_tot]=(lien_url*) (void*) lien_buffer; lien_buffer+=lienurl_len; lien_size-=lienurl_len; \ liens[lien_tot]->firstblock=0; \ } \ if (liens[lien_tot]!=NULL) { \ liens[lien_tot]->adr=lien_buffer; lien_buffer+=adr_len; lien_size-=adr_len; \ liens[lien_tot]->fil=lien_buffer; lien_buffer+=fil_len; lien_size-=fil_len; \ liens[lien_tot]->sav=lien_buffer; lien_buffer+=sav_len; lien_size-=sav_len; \ liens[lien_tot]->cod=NULL; \ if (notecode) { liens[lien_tot]->cod=lien_buffer; lien_buffer+=cod_len; lien_size-=cod_len; strcpybuff(liens[lien_tot]->cod,codebase); } \ if (former_adr_len>0) {\ liens[lien_tot]->former_adr=lien_buffer; lien_buffer+=former_adr_len; lien_size-=former_adr_len; \ liens[lien_tot]->former_fil=lien_buffer; lien_buffer+=former_fil_len; lien_size-=former_fil_len; \ strcpybuff(liens[lien_tot]->former_adr,FA); \ strcpybuff(liens[lien_tot]->former_fil,FF); \ }\ strcpybuff(liens[lien_tot]->adr,A); \ strcpybuff(liens[lien_tot]->fil,F); \ strcpybuff(liens[lien_tot]->sav,S); \ liens_record_sav_len(liens[lien_tot]); \ hash_write(hashptr,lien_tot); \ } \ } // version optimisÈe, qui permet de ne pas toucher aux html non modifiÈs (update) #define HT_ADD_CHK(A) if (((int) (A)+ht_len+1) >= ht_size) { \ ht_size=(A)+ht_len+REALLOC_SIZE; \ ht_buff=(char*) realloct(ht_buff,ht_size); \ if (ht_buff==NULL) { \ printf("PANIC! : Not enough memory [%d]\n",__LINE__); \ XH_uninit; \ abortLogFmt("not enough memory for current html document in HT_ADD_CHK : realloct(%d) failed" _ ht_size); \ exit(1); \ } \ } \ ht_len+=A; #define HT_ADD_ADR \ if ((opt.getmode & 1) && (ptr>0)) { \ int i=((int) (adr - lastsaved)),j=ht_len; HT_ADD_CHK(i) \ memcpy(ht_buff+j, lastsaved, i); \ ht_buff[j+i]='\0'; \ lastsaved=adr; \ } #define HT_ADD(A) \ if ((opt.getmode & 1) && (ptr>0)) { \ int i=strlen(A),j=ht_len; \ if (i) { \ HT_ADD_CHK(i) \ memcpy(ht_buff+j, A, i); \ ht_buff[j+i]='\0'; \ } } #define HT_ADD_START \ int ht_size=(int)(r.size*5)/4+REALLOC_SIZE; \ int ht_len=0; \ char* ht_buff=NULL; \ if ((opt.getmode & 1) && (ptr>0)) { \ ht_buff=(char*) malloct(ht_size); \ if (ht_buff==NULL) { \ printf("PANIC! : Not enough memory [%d]\n",__LINE__); \ XH_uninit; \ abortLogFmt("not enough memory for current html document in HT_ADD_START : malloct(%d) failed" _ ht_size); \ exit(1); \ } \ ht_buff[0]='\0'; \ } #define HT_ADD_END { \ int ok=0;\ if (ht_buff) { \ int file_len=(int) strlen(ht_buff);\ char digest[32+2];\ digest[0]='\0';\ domd5mem(ht_buff,file_len,digest,1);\ if (fsize(antislash(savename))==file_len) { \ int mlen;\ char* mbuff;\ cache_readdata(&cache,"//[HTML-MD5]//",savename,&mbuff,&mlen);\ if (mlen) mbuff[mlen]='\0';\ if ((mlen == 32) && (strcmp(((mbuff!=NULL)?mbuff:""),digest)==0)) {\ ok=1;\ if ( (opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL) ) {\ fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"File not re-written (md5): %s"LF,savename);\ test_flush;\ }\ } else {\ ok=0;\ } \ }\ if (!ok) { \ fp=filecreate(savename); \ if (fp) { \ if (file_len>0) {\ if ((int)fwrite(ht_buff,1,file_len,fp) != file_len) { \ if (opt.errlog) { \ fspc(opt.errlog,"error"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Unable to write HTML file %s"LF,savename);\ test_flush;\ }\ }\ }\ fclose(fp); fp=NULL; \ if (strnotempty(r.lastmodified)) \ set_filetime_rfc822(savename,r.lastmodified); \ usercommand(0,NULL,antislash(savename)); \ } else {\ if (opt.errlog) { \ fspc(opt.errlog,"error");\ fprintf(opt.errlog,"Unable to save file %s"LF,savename);\ test_flush;\ }\ }\ } else {\ filenote(savename,NULL); \ }\ if (cache.ndx)\ cache_writedata(cache.ndx,cache.dat,"//[HTML-MD5]//",savename,digest,(int)strlen(digest));\ } \ freet(ht_buff); ht_buff=NULL; \ } #define HT_ADD_FOP // libÈrer filters[0] pour insÈrer un ÈlÈment dans filters[0] #define HT_INSERT_FILTERS0 do {\ int i;\ if (filptr>0) {\ for(i=filptr-1;i>=0;i--) {\ strcpybuff(filters[i+1],filters[i]);\ }\ }\ strcpybuff(filters[0],"");\ filptr++;\ filptr=minimum(filptr,filter_max);\ } while(0) #define HT_INDEX_END do { \ if (!makeindex_done) { \ if (makeindex_fp) { \ char tempo[1024]; \ if (makeindex_links == 1) { \ sprintf(tempo,"<meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"0; URL=%s\">"CRLF,makeindex_firstlink); \ } else \ tempo[0]='\0'; \ fprintf(makeindex_fp,template_footer, \ "<!-- Mirror and index made by HTTrack Website Copier/"HTTRACK_VERSION" "HTTRACK_AFF_AUTHORS" -->", \ tempo \ ); \ fflush(makeindex_fp); \ fclose(makeindex_fp); /* ‡ ne pas oublier sinon on passe une nuit blanche */ \ makeindex_fp=NULL; \ usercommand(0,NULL,fconcat(opt.path_html,"index.html")); \ } \ } \ makeindex_done=1; /* ok c'est fait */ \ } while(0) // DÈbut de httpmirror, robot // url1 peut Ítre multiple int httpmirror(char* url1,httrackp* ptropt) { httrackp opt = *ptropt; // structure d'options char* primary=NULL; // premiËre page, contenant les liens ‡ scanner int lien_tot=0; // nombre de liens pour le moment lien_url** liens=NULL; // les pointeurs sur les liens hash_struct hash; // systËme de hachage, accÈlËre la recherche dans les liens hash_struct* hashptr = &hash; t_cookie cookie; // gestion des cookies int lien_max=0; int lien_size=0; // octets restants dans buffer liens dispo char* lien_buffer=NULL; // buffer liens actuel int add_tab_alloc=256000; // +256K de liens ‡ chaque fois //char* tab_alloc=NULL; int ptr; // pointeur actuel sur les liens // int numero_passe=0; // deux passes pour html puis images int back_max=0; // fichiers qui peuvent Ítre en local lien_back* back=NULL; // backing en local htsblk r; // retour de certaines fonctions TStamp lastime=0; // pour affichage infos de tmp en tmp // pour les stats, nombre de fichiers & octets Ècrits LLint stat_fragment=0; // pour la fragmentation //TStamp istat_timestart; // dÈpart pour calcul instantannÈ // TStamp last_info_shell=0; int info_shell=0; // filtres char** filters = NULL; //int filter_max=0; int filptr=0; // int makeindex_done=0; // lorsque l'index sera fait FILE* makeindex_fp=NULL; int makeindex_links=0; char makeindex_firstlink[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; // statistiques (mode #Z) FILE* makestat_fp=NULL; // fichier de stats taux transfert FILE* maketrack_fp=NULL; // idem pour le tracking TStamp makestat_time=0; // attente (secondes) LLint makestat_total=0; // repËre du nombre d'octets transfÈrÈs depuis denriËre stat int makestat_lnk=0; // idem, pour le nombre de liens // char codebase[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; // base pour applet java char base[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; // base pour les autres fichiers // cache_back cache; robots_wizard robots; // gestion robots.txt inthash cache_hashtable=NULL; int cache_hash_size=0; // char *template_header=NULL,*template_body=NULL,*template_footer=NULL; // codebase[0]='\0'; base[0]='\0'; // cookie.auth.next=NULL; cookie.auth.auth[0]=cookie.auth.prefix[0]='\0'; // // noter heure actuelle de dÈpart en secondes memset(&HTS_STAT, 0, sizeof(HTS_STAT)); HTS_STAT.stat_timestart=time_local(); //istat_timestart=stat_timestart; HTS_STAT.istat_timestart[0]=HTS_STAT.istat_timestart[1]=mtime_local(); /* reset stats */ HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV=0; HTS_STAT.istat_bytes[0]=HTS_STAT.istat_bytes[1]=0; if (opt.aff_progress) lastime=HTS_STAT.stat_timestart; if (opt.shell) { last_info_shell=HTS_STAT.stat_timestart; } if ((opt.makestat) || (opt.maketrack)){ makestat_time=HTS_STAT.stat_timestart; } // initialiser compteur erreurs fspc(NULL,NULL); // init external modules htspe_init(); // initialiser cookie if (opt.accept_cookie) { opt.cookie=&cookie; cookie.max_len=30000; // max len strcpybuff(cookie.data,""); // Charger cookies.txt par dÈfaut ou cookies.txt du miroir cookie_load(opt.cookie,opt.path_log,"cookies.txt"); cookie_load(opt.cookie,"","cookies.txt"); } else opt.cookie=NULL; // initialiser exit_xh exit_xh=0; // sortir prÈmaturÈment (var globale) // initialiser usercommand usercommand(opt.sys_com_exec,opt.sys_com,""); // initialiser structcheck structcheck_init(1); // initialiser tableau options accessible par d'autres fonctions (signal) hts_declareoptbuffer(&opt); // initialiser verif_backblue verif_backblue(NULL); verif_external(0,0); verif_external(1,0); // et templates html template_header=readfile_or(fconcat(opt.path_bin,"templates/index-header.html"),HTS_INDEX_HEADER); template_body=readfile_or(fconcat(opt.path_bin,"templates/index-body.html"),HTS_INDEX_BODY); template_footer=readfile_or(fconcat(opt.path_bin,"templates/index-footer.html"),HTS_INDEX_FOOTER); // initialiser mimedefs get_userhttptype(1,opt.mimedefs,NULL); // Initialiser indexation if (opt.kindex) index_init(opt.path_html); // effacer bloc cache memset(&cache, 0, sizeof(cache_back)); cache.type=opt.cache; // cache? cache.errlog=opt.errlog; // err log? cache.ptr_ant=cache.ptr_last=0; // pointeur pour anticiper // initialiser hash cache if (!cache_hash_size) cache_hash_size=HTS_HASH_SIZE; cache_hashtable=inthash_new(cache_hash_size); if (cache_hashtable==NULL) { printf("PANIC! : Not enough memory [%d]\n",__LINE__); filters[0]=NULL; back_max=0; // uniquement a cause du warning de XH_extuninit XH_extuninit; return 0; } cache.hashtable=(void*)cache_hashtable; /* copy backcache hash */ // initialiser cache DNS _hts_lockdns(-999); // robots.txt strcpybuff(robots.adr,"!"); // dummy robots.token[0]='\0'; robots.next=NULL; // suivant opt.robotsptr = &robots; // effacer filters opt.maxfilter = maximum(opt.maxfilter, 128); if (filters_init(&filters, opt.maxfilter, 0) == 0) { printf("PANIC! : Not enough memory [%d]\n",__LINE__); back_max=0; // uniquement a cause du warning de XH_extuninit XH_extuninit; return 0; } opt.filters.filters=&filters; // opt.filters.filptr=&filptr; //opt.filters.filter_max=&filter_max; // hash table opt.hash = &hash; // tableau de pointeurs sur les liens lien_max=maximum(opt.maxlink,32); liens=(lien_url**) malloct(lien_max*sizeof(lien_url*)); // tableau de pointeurs sur les liens if (liens==NULL) { printf("PANIC! : Not enough memory [%d]\n",__LINE__); //XH_uninit; return 0; } else { int i; for(i=0;i<lien_max;i++) { liens[i]=NULL; } } // initialiser ptr et lien_tot ptr=0; lien_tot=0; #if HTS_HASH // initialiser hachage { int i; for(i=0;i<HTS_HASH_SIZE;i++) hash.hash[0][i]=hash.hash[1][i]=hash.hash[2][i] = -1; // pas d'entrÈes hash.liens = liens; hash.max_lien=0; } #endif // copier adresse(s) dans liste des adresses { char *a=url1; int primary_len=8192; if (strnotempty(opt.filelist)) { primary_len+=max(0,fsize(opt.filelist)*2); } primary_len+=strlen(url1)*2; // crÈation de la premiËre page, qui contient les liens de base ‡ scanner // c'est plus propre et plus logique que d'entrer ‡ la main les liens dans la pile // on bÈnÈficie ainsi des vÈrifications et des tests du robot pour les liens "primaires" primary=(char*) malloct(primary_len); if (primary) { primary[0]='\0'; } else { printf("PANIC! : Not enough memory [%d]\n",__LINE__); back_max=0; // uniquement a cause du warning de XH_extuninit XH_extuninit; return 0; } while(*a) { int i; int joker=0; // vÈrifier qu'il n'y a pas de * dans l'url if (*a=='+') joker=1; else if (*a=='-') joker=1; if (joker) { // joker ou filters //char* p; char tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; int type; int plus=0; // noter joker (dans b) if (*a=='+') { // champ + type=1; plus=1; a++; } else if (*a=='-') { // champ forbidden[] type=0; a++; } else { // champ + avec joker sans doute type=1; } // recopier prochaine chaine (+ ou -) i=0; while((*a!=0) && (!isspace(*a))) { tempo[i++]=*a; a++; } tempo[i++]='\0'; while(isspace(*a)) { a++; } // sauter les + sans rien aprËs.. if (strnotempty(tempo)) { if ((plus==0) && (type==1)) { // implicite: *www.edf.fr par exemple if (tempo[strlen(tempo)-1]!='*') { strcatbuff(tempo,"*"); // ajouter un * } } if (type) strcpybuff(filters[filptr],"+"); else strcpybuff(filters[filptr],"-"); /* if (strfield(tempo,"http://")) strcatbuff(filters[filptr],tempo+7); // ignorer http:// else if (strfield(tempo,"ftp://")) strcatbuff(filters[filptr],tempo+6); // ignorer ftp:// else */ strcatbuff(filters[filptr],tempo); filptr++; /* sanity check */ if (filptr + 1 >= opt.maxfilter) { opt.maxfilter += HTS_FILTERSINC; if (filters_init(&filters, opt.maxfilter, HTS_FILTERSINC) == 0) { printf("PANIC! : Too many filters : >%d [%d]\n",filptr,__LINE__); if (opt.errlog) { fprintf(opt.errlog,LF"Too many filters, giving up..(>%d)"LF,filptr); fprintf(opt.errlog,"To avoid that: use #F option for more filters (example: -#F5000)"LF); test_flush; } back_max=0; // uniquement a cause du warning de XH_extuninit XH_extuninit; return 0; } //opt.filters.filters=filters; } } } else { // adresse normale char url[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; // prochaine adresse i=0; while((*a!=0) && (!isspace(*a))) { url[i++]=*a; a++; } while(isspace(*a)) { a++; } url[i++]='\0'; //strcatbuff(primary,"<PRIMARY=\""); if (strstr(url,":/")==NULL) strcatbuff(primary,"http://"); strcatbuff(primary,url); //strcatbuff(primary,"\">"); strcatbuff(primary,"\n"); } } // while /* load URL file list */ /* OPTIMIZED for fast load */ if (strnotempty(opt.filelist)) { char* filelist_buff=NULL; int filelist_sz=fsize(opt.filelist); if (filelist_sz>0) { FILE* fp=fopen(opt.filelist,"rb"); if (fp) { filelist_buff=malloct(filelist_sz + 2); if (filelist_buff) { if ((int)fread(filelist_buff,1,filelist_sz,fp) != filelist_sz) { freet(filelist_buff); filelist_buff=NULL; } else { *(filelist_buff + filelist_sz) = '\0'; } } fclose(fp); } } if (filelist_buff) { int filelist_ptr=0; int n=0; char line[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; char* primary_ptr = primary + strlen(primary); while( filelist_ptr < filelist_sz ) { int count=binput(filelist_buff+filelist_ptr,line,HTS_URLMAXSIZE); filelist_ptr+=count; if (count && line[0]) { n++; if (strstr(line,":/")==NULL) { strcpybuff(primary_ptr, "http://"); primary_ptr += strlen(primary_ptr); } strcpybuff(primary_ptr, line); primary_ptr += strlen(primary_ptr); strcpybuff(primary_ptr, "\n"); primary_ptr += 1; } } // fclose(fp); if (opt.log!=NULL) { fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"%d links added from %s"LF,n,opt.filelist); test_flush; } // Free buffer freet(filelist_buff); } else { if (opt.errlog!=NULL) { fspc(opt.errlog,"error"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Could not include URL list: %s"LF,opt.filelist); test_flush; } } } // lien primaire liens_record("primary","/primary",fslash(fconcat(opt.path_html,"index.html")),"",""); if (liens[lien_tot]==NULL) { // erreur, pas de place rÈservÈe printf("PANIC! : Not enough memory [%d]\n",__LINE__); if (opt.errlog) { fprintf(opt.errlog,"Not enough memory, can not re-allocate %d bytes"LF,(int)((add_tab_alloc+1)*sizeof(lien_url))); test_flush; } back_max=0; // uniquement a cause du warning de XH_extuninit XH_extuninit; // dÈsallocation mÈmoire & buffers return 0; } liens[lien_tot]->testmode=0; // pas mode test liens[lien_tot]->link_import=0; // pas mode import liens[lien_tot]->depth=opt.depth+1; // lien de prioritÈ maximale liens[lien_tot]->pass2=0; // 1Ëre passe liens[lien_tot]->retry=opt.retry; // lien de prioritÈ maximale liens[lien_tot]->premier=lien_tot; // premier lien, objet-pËre=objet liens[lien_tot]->precedent=lien_tot; // lien prÈcÈdent lien_tot++; // Initialiser cache { int backupXFR = htsMemoryFastXfr; htsMemoryFastXfr = 1; /* fast load */ cache_init(&cache,&opt); htsMemoryFastXfr = backupXFR; } } #if BDEBUG==3 { int i; for(i=0;i<lien_tot;i++) { printf("%d>%s%s as %s\n",i,liens[i]->adr,liens[i]->fil,liens[i]->sav); } for(i=0;i<filptr;i++) { printf("%d>filters=%s\n",i,filters[i]); } } #endif // backing //soc_max=opt.maxsoc; if (opt.maxsoc>0) { #if BDEBUG==2 _CLRSCR; #endif // Nombre de fichiers HTML pouvant Ítre prÈsents en mÈmoire de maniËre simultannÈe // On prÈvoit large: les fichiers HTML ne prennent que peu de place en mÈmoire, et les // fichiers non html sont sauvÈs en direct sur disque. // --> 1024 entrÈes + 32 entrÈes par socket en supplÈment back_max=opt.maxsoc*32+1024; //back_max=opt.maxsoc*8+32; back=(lien_back*) calloct((back_max+1),sizeof(lien_back)); if (back==NULL) { if (opt.errlog) fprintf(opt.errlog,"Not enough memory, can not allocate %d bytes"LF,(int)((opt.maxsoc+1)*sizeof(lien_back))); return 0; } else { // copier buffer-location & effacer int i; for(i=0;i<back_max;i++){ back[i].r.location=back[i].location_buffer; back[i].status=-1; back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; } } } // flush test_flush; // statistiques if (opt.makestat) { makestat_fp=fopen(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-stats.txt"),"wb"); if (makestat_fp != NULL) { fprintf(makestat_fp,"HTTrack statistics report, every minutes"LF LF); } } // tracking -- dÈbuggage if (opt.maketrack) { maketrack_fp=fopen(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-track.txt"),"wb"); if (maketrack_fp != NULL) { fprintf(maketrack_fp,"HTTrack tracking report, every minutes"LF LF); } } // on n'a pas de liens!! (exemple: httrack www.* impossible sans dÈpart..) if (lien_tot<=0) { if (opt.errlog) { fprintf(opt.errlog,"Error! You MUST specify at least one complete URL, and not only wildcards!"LF); } } // attendre une certaine heure.. if (opt.waittime>0) { int rollover=0; int ok=0; { TStamp tl=0; time_t tt; struct tm* A; tt=time(NULL); A=localtime(&tt); tl+=A->tm_sec; tl+=A->tm_min*60; tl+=A->tm_hour*60*60; if (tl>opt.waittime) // attendre minuit rollover=1; } // attendre.. do { TStamp tl=0; time_t tt; struct tm* A; tt=time(NULL); A=localtime(&tt); tl+=A->tm_sec; tl+=A->tm_min*60; tl+=A->tm_hour*60*60; if (rollover) { if (tl<=opt.waittime) rollover=0; // attendre heure } else { if (tl>opt.waittime) ok=1; // ok! } #if HTS_ANALYSTE { int r; if (rollover) r=hts_htmlcheck_loop(back,back_max,0,0,lien_tot,(int) (opt.waittime-tl+24*3600),NULL); else r=hts_htmlcheck_loop(back,back_max,0,0,lien_tot,(int) (opt.waittime-tl),NULL); if (!r) { exit_xh=1; // exit requested ok=1; } else Sleep(100); } #endif } while(!ok); // note: recopie de plus haut // noter heure actuelle de dÈpart en secondes HTS_STAT.stat_timestart=time_local(); if (opt.aff_progress) lastime=HTS_STAT.stat_timestart; if (opt.shell) { last_info_shell=HTS_STAT.stat_timestart; } if ((opt.makestat) || (opt.maketrack)){ makestat_time=HTS_STAT.stat_timestart; } } /* Info for wrappers */ if ( (opt.debug>0) && (opt.log!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"engine: start"LF); } #if HTS_ANALYSTE if (!hts_htmlcheck_start(&opt)) { XH_extuninit; return 1; } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Boucle gÈnÈrale de parcours des liens // ------------------------------------------------------------ do { int error=0; // si error alors sauter int store_errpage=0; // c'est une erreur mais on enregistre le html char loc[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; // adresse de relocation // Ici on charge le fichier (html, gif..) en mÈmoire // Les HTMLs sont traitÈs (si leur prioritÈ est suffisante) // effacer r memset(&r, 0, sizeof(htsblk)); r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; r.location=loc; // en cas d'erreur 3xx (moved) // recopier proxy memcpy(&(r.req.proxy), &opt.proxy, sizeof(opt.proxy)); // et user-agent strcpybuff(r.req.user_agent,opt.user_agent); r.req.user_agent_send=opt.user_agent_send; if (!error) { // Skip empty/invalid/done in background if (liens[ptr]) { while ( (liens[ptr]) && ( ( ((urladr != NULL)?(urladr):(" "))[0]=='!') || ( ((urlfil != NULL)?(urlfil):(" "))[0]=='\0') || ( (liens[ptr]->pass2 == -1) ) ) ) { // sauter si lien annulÈ (ou fil vide) if ((opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"link #%d seems ready, skipping: %s%s.."LF,ptr,((urladr != NULL)?(urladr):(" ")),((urlfil != NULL)?(urlfil):(" "))); test_flush; } ptr++; } } if (liens[ptr]) { // on a qq chose ‡ rÈcupÈrer? if ( (opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"Wait get: %s%s"LF,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; #if DEBUG_ROBOTS if (strcmp(urlfil,"/robots.txt") == 0) { printf("robots.txt detected\n"); } #endif } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // DEBUT --RECUPERATION LIEN--- if (ptr==0) { // premier lien ‡ parcourir: lien primaire construit avant r.adr=primary; primary=NULL; r.statuscode=200; r.size=strlen(r.adr); r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; strcpybuff(r.contenttype,"text/html"); /*} else if (opt.maxsoc<=0) { // fichiers 1 ‡ 1 en attente (pas de backing) // charger le fichier en mÈmoire tout bÍtement r=xhttpget(urladr,urlfil); // */ } else { // backing, multiples sockets // int b; int n; #if BDEBUG==1 printf("\nBack test..\n"); #endif // pause/lock files { int do_pause=0; // user pause lockfile : create hts-paused.lock --> HTTrack will be paused if (fexist(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-stop.lock"))) { // remove lockfile remove(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-stop.lock")); if (!fexist(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-stop.lock"))) { do_pause=1; } } // after receving N bytes, pause if (opt.fragment>0) { if ((HTS_STAT.stat_bytes-stat_fragment) > opt.fragment) { do_pause=1; } } // pause? if (do_pause) { if ( (opt.debug>0) && (opt.log!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"engine: pause requested.."LF); } while (back_nsoc(back,back_max)>0) { // attendre fin des transferts back_wait(back,back_max,&opt,&cache,HTS_STAT.stat_timestart); Sleep(200); #if HTS_ANALYSTE { back_wait(back,back_max,&opt,&cache,HTS_STAT.stat_timestart); // Transfer rate engine_stats(); // Refresh various stats HTS_STAT.stat_nsocket=back_nsoc(back,back_max); HTS_STAT.stat_errors=fspc(NULL,"error"); HTS_STAT.stat_warnings=fspc(NULL,"warning"); HTS_STAT.stat_infos=fspc(NULL,"info"); HTS_STAT.nbk=backlinks_done(liens,lien_tot,ptr); HTS_STAT.nb=back_transfered(HTS_STAT.stat_bytes,back,back_max); b=0; if (!hts_htmlcheck_loop(back,back_max,b,ptr,lien_tot,(int) (time_local()-HTS_STAT.stat_timestart),&HTS_STAT)) { if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"info"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Exit requested by shell or user"LF); test_flush; } exit_xh=1; // exit requested XH_uninit; return 0; } } #endif } // On dÈsalloue le buffer d'enregistrement des chemins crÈÈe, au cas o˘ pendant la pause // l'utilisateur ferait un rm -r aprËs avoir effectuÈ un tar structcheck_init(1); { FILE* fp = fopen(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-paused.lock"),"wb"); if (fp) { fspc(fp,"info"); // dater fprintf(fp,"Pause"LF"HTTrack is paused after retreiving "LLintP" bytes"LF"Delete this file to continue the mirror..."LF""LF"",(LLint)HTS_STAT.stat_bytes); fclose(fp); } } stat_fragment=HTS_STAT.stat_bytes; /* Info for wrappers */ if ( (opt.debug>0) && (opt.log!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"engine: pause: %s"LF,fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-paused.lock")); } #if HTS_ANALYSTE hts_htmlcheck_pause(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-paused.lock")); #else while (fexist(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-paused.lock"))) { //back_wait(back,back_max,&opt,&cache,HTS_STAT.stat_timestart); inutile!! (plus de sockets actives) Sleep(1000); } #endif } // } // end of pause/lock files #if HTS_ANALYSTE // changement dans les prÈfÈrences /* if (_hts_setopt) { copy_htsopt(_hts_setopt,&opt); // copier au besoin _hts_setopt=NULL; // effacer callback } */ if (_hts_addurl) { char add_adr[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; char add_fil[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; while(*_hts_addurl) { char add_url[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; add_adr[0]=add_fil[0]=add_url[0]='\0'; if (!link_has_authority(*_hts_addurl)) strcpybuff(add_url,"http://"); // ajouter http:// strcatbuff(add_url,*_hts_addurl); if (ident_url_absolute(add_url,add_adr,add_fil)>=0) { // ----Ajout---- // noter NOUVEAU lien char add_sav[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; // calculer lien et Èventuellement modifier addresse/fichier if (url_savename(add_adr,add_fil,add_sav,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,&opt,liens,lien_tot,back,back_max,&cache,&hash,ptr,numero_passe)!=-1) { if (hash_read(&hash,add_sav,"",0)<0) { // n'existe pas dÈja // enregistrer lien (MACRO) liens_record(add_adr,add_fil,add_sav,"",""); if (liens[lien_tot]!=NULL) { // OK, pas d'erreur liens[lien_tot]->testmode=0; // mode test? liens[lien_tot]->link_import=0; // mode normal liens[lien_tot]->depth=opt.depth; liens[lien_tot]->pass2=max(0,numero_passe); liens[lien_tot]->retry=opt.retry; liens[lien_tot]->premier=lien_tot; liens[lien_tot]->precedent=lien_tot; lien_tot++; // if ((opt.debug>0) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"Link added by user: %s%s"LF,add_adr,add_fil); test_flush; } // } else { // oups erreur, plus de mÈmoire!! printf("PANIC! : Not enough memory [%d]\n",__LINE__); if (opt.errlog) { fprintf(opt.errlog,"Not enough memory, can not re-allocate %d bytes"LF,(int)((add_tab_alloc+1)*sizeof(lien_url))); test_flush; } //if (opt.getmode & 1) { if (fp) { fclose(fp); fp=NULL; } } XH_uninit; // dÈsallocation mÈmoire & buffers return 0; } } else { if ( (opt.debug>0) && (opt.errlog!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt.errlog,"warning"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Existing link %s%s not added after user request"LF,add_adr,add_fil); test_flush; } } } } else { if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"error"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Error during URL decoding for %s"LF,add_url); test_flush; } } // ----Fin Ajout---- _hts_addurl++; // suivante } _hts_addurl=NULL; // libÈrer _hts_addurl } // si une pause a ÈtÈ demandÈe if (_hts_setpause) { // index du lien actuel int b=back_index(back,back_max,urladr,urlfil,savename); if (b<0) b=0; // forcer pour les stats while(_hts_setpause) { // on fait la pause.. back_wait(back,back_max,&opt,&cache,HTS_STAT.stat_timestart); // Transfer rate engine_stats(); // Refresh various stats HTS_STAT.stat_nsocket=back_nsoc(back,back_max); HTS_STAT.stat_errors=fspc(NULL,"error"); HTS_STAT.stat_warnings=fspc(NULL,"warning"); HTS_STAT.stat_infos=fspc(NULL,"info"); HTS_STAT.nbk=backlinks_done(liens,lien_tot,ptr); HTS_STAT.nb=back_transfered(HTS_STAT.stat_bytes,back,back_max); if (!hts_htmlcheck_loop(back,back_max,b,ptr,lien_tot,(int) (time_local()-HTS_STAT.stat_timestart),&HTS_STAT)) { if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"info"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Exit requested by shell or user"LF); test_flush; } exit_xh=1; // exit requested XH_uninit; return 0; } if (back_nsoc(back,back_max)==0) Sleep(250); // tite pause } } #endif // si le fichier n'est pas en backing, le mettre.. if (!back_exist(back,back_max,urladr,urlfil,savename)) { #if BDEBUG==1 printf("crash backing: %s%s\n",liens[ptr]->adr,liens[ptr]->fil); #endif if (back_add(back,back_max,&opt,&cache,urladr,urlfil,savename,liens[liens[ptr]->precedent]->adr,liens[liens[ptr]->precedent]->fil,liens[ptr]->testmode,&liens[ptr]->pass2)==-1) { printf("PANIC! : Crash adding error, unexpected error found.. [%d]\n",__LINE__); #if BDEBUG==1 printf("error while crash adding\n"); #endif if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"error"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Unexpected backing error for %s%s"LF,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } } } #if BDEBUG==1 printf("test number of socks\n"); #endif // ajouter autant de socket qu'on peut ajouter n=opt.maxsoc-back_nsoc(back,back_max); #if BDEBUG==1 printf("%d sockets available for backing\n",n); #endif #if HTS_ANALYSTE if ((n>0) && (!_hts_setpause)) { // si sockets libre et pas en pause, ajouter #else if (n>0) { // si sockets libre #endif // remplir autant que l'on peut le cache (backing) back_fillmax(back,back_max,&opt,&cache,liens,ptr,numero_passe,lien_tot); } // index du lien actuel /* b=back_index(back,back_max,urladr,urlfil,savename); if (b>=0) */ { // ------------------------------------------------------------ // attendre que le fichier actuel soit prÍt - BOUCLE D'ATTENTE do { // index du lien actuel b=back_index(back,back_max,urladr,urlfil,savename); #if BDEBUG==1 printf("back index %d, waiting\n",b); #endif // Continue to the loop if link still present if (b<0) continue; // Receive data if (back[b].status>0) back_wait(back,back_max,&opt,&cache,HTS_STAT.stat_timestart); // Continue to the loop if link still present b=back_index(back,back_max,urladr,urlfil,savename); if (b<0) continue; // And fill the backing stack if (back[b].status>0) back_fillmax(back,back_max,&opt,&cache,liens,ptr,numero_passe,lien_tot); // Continue to the loop if link still present b=back_index(back,back_max,urladr,urlfil,savename); if (b<0) continue; // autres occupations de HTTrack: statistiques, boucle d'attente, etc. if ((opt.makestat) || (opt.maketrack)) { TStamp l=time_local(); if ((int) (l-makestat_time) >= 60) { if (makestat_fp != NULL) { fspc(makestat_fp,"info"); fprintf(makestat_fp,"Rate= %d (/"LLintP") \11NewLinks= %d (/%d)"LF,(int) ((HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV-makestat_total)/(l-makestat_time)), (LLint)HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV,(int) lien_tot-makestat_lnk,(int) lien_tot); fflush(makestat_fp); makestat_total=HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV; makestat_lnk=lien_tot; } if (maketrack_fp!=NULL) { int i; fspc(maketrack_fp,"info"); fprintf(maketrack_fp,LF); for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) { back_info(back,i,3,maketrack_fp); } fprintf(maketrack_fp,LF); } makestat_time=l; } } #if HTS_ANALYSTE { int i; { char* s=hts_cancel_file(""); if (strnotempty(s)) { // fichier ‡ canceller for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) { if ((back[i].status>0)) { if (strcmp(back[i].url_sav,s)==0) { // ok trouvÈ if (back[i].status != 1000) { #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("user cancel: deletehttp\n"); #endif if (back[i].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].r.statuscode=-1; strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Cancelled by User"); back[i].status=0; // terminÈ } else // cancel ftp.. flag ‡ 1 back[i].stop_ftp = 1; } } } s[0]='\0'; } } // Transfer rate engine_stats(); // Refresh various stats HTS_STAT.stat_nsocket=back_nsoc(back,back_max); HTS_STAT.stat_errors=fspc(NULL,"error"); HTS_STAT.stat_warnings=fspc(NULL,"warning"); HTS_STAT.stat_infos=fspc(NULL,"info"); HTS_STAT.nbk=backlinks_done(liens,lien_tot,ptr); HTS_STAT.nb=back_transfered(HTS_STAT.stat_bytes,back,back_max); if (!hts_htmlcheck_loop(back,back_max,b,ptr,lien_tot,(int) (time_local()-HTS_STAT.stat_timestart),&HTS_STAT)) { if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"info"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Exit requested by shell or user"LF); test_flush; } exit_xh=1; // exit requested XH_uninit; return 0; } } #endif #if HTS_POLL if ((opt.shell) || (opt.keyboard) || (opt.verbosedisplay) || (!opt.quiet)) { TStamp tl; info_shell=1; /* Toggle with ENTER */ if (!opt.quiet) { if (check_stdin()) { char com[256]; linput(stdin,com,200); if (opt.verbosedisplay==2) opt.verbosedisplay=1; else opt.verbosedisplay=2; /* Info for wrappers */ if ( (opt.debug>0) && (opt.log!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"engine: change-options"LF); } #if HTS_ANALYSTE hts_htmlcheck_chopt(&opt); #endif } } tl=time_local(); // gÈnÈrer un message d'infos sur l'Ètat actuel if (opt.shell) { // si shell if ((tl-last_info_shell)>0) { // toute les 1 sec FILE* fp=stdout; int a=0; last_info_shell=tl; if (fexist(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-autopsy"))) { // dÈbuggage: teste si le robot est vivant // (oui je sais un robot vivant.. mais bon.. il a le droit de vivre lui aussi) // (libÈrons les robots esclaves de l'internet!) remove(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-autopsy")); fp=fopen(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-isalive"),"wb"); a=1; } if ((info_shell) || a) { int i,j; fprintf(fp,"TIME %d"LF,(int) (tl-HTS_STAT.stat_timestart)); fprintf(fp,"TOTAL %d"LF,(int) HTS_STAT.stat_bytes); fprintf(fp,"RATE %d"LF,(int) (HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV/(tl-HTS_STAT.stat_timestart))); fprintf(fp,"SOCKET %d"LF,back_nsoc(back,back_max)); fprintf(fp,"LINK %d"LF,lien_tot); { LLint mem=0; for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) if (back[i].r.adr!=NULL) mem+=back[i].r.size; fprintf(fp,"INMEM "LLintP""LF,(LLint)mem); } for(j=0;j<2;j++) { // passes pour ready et wait for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) { back_info(back,i,j+1,stdout); // maketrack_fp a la place de stdout ?? // ** } } fprintf(fp,LF); if (a) fclose(fp); io_flush; } } } // si shell } // si shell ou keyboard (option) // #endif } while((b>=0) && (back[max(b,0)].status>0)); // If link not found on the stack, it's because it has already been downloaded // in background // Then, skip it and go to the next one if (b<0) { if ((opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"link #%d is ready, no more on the stack, skipping: %s%s.."LF,ptr,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } // prochain lien // ptr++; // Jump to 'continue' // This is one of the very very rare cases where goto // is acceptable // A supplemental flag and if( ) { } would be really messy goto jump_if_done; } #if HTS_ANALYSTE==2 #else //if (!opt.quiet) { // petite animation if (!opt.verbosedisplay) { if (!opt.quiet) { static int roll=0; /* static: ok */ roll=(roll+1)%4; printf("%c\x0d",("/-\\|")[roll]); fflush(stdout); } } else if (opt.verbosedisplay==1) { if (back[b].r.statuscode==200) printf("%d/%d: %s%s ("LLintP" bytes) - OK\33[K\r",ptr,lien_tot,back[b].url_adr,back[b].url_fil,(LLint)back[b].r.size); else printf("%d/%d: %s%s ("LLintP" bytes) - %d\33[K\r",ptr,lien_tot,back[b].url_adr,back[b].url_fil,(LLint)back[b].r.size,back[b].r.statuscode); fflush(stdout); } //} #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------ // VÈrificateur d'intÈgritÈ #if DEBUG_CHECKINT _CHECKINT(&back[b],"Retour de back_wait, aprËs le while") { int i; for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) { char si[256]; sprintf(si,"Test global aprËs back_wait, index %d",i); _CHECKINT(&back[i],si) } } #endif // copier structure rÈponse htsblk memcpy(&r, &(back[b].r), sizeof(htsblk)); r.location=loc; // ne PAS copier location!! adresse, pas de buffer if (back[b].r.location) strcpybuff(r.location,back[b].r.location); back[b].r.adr=NULL; // ne pas faire de desalloc ensuite // libÈrer emplacement backing back_delete(back,b); // progression if (opt.aff_progress) { TStamp tl=time_local(); if ((tl-HTS_STAT.stat_timestart)>0) { char s[32]; int i=0; lastime=tl; _CLRSCR; _GOTOXY("1","1"); printf("Rate=%d B/sec\n",(int) (HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV/(tl-HTS_STAT.stat_timestart))); while(i<minimum(back_max,99)) { // ** if (back[i].status>=0) { // loading.. s[0]='\0'; if (strlen(back[i].url_fil)>16) strcatbuff(s,back[i].url_fil+strlen(back[i].url_fil)-16); else strncatbuff(s,back[i].url_fil,16); printf("%s : ",s); printf("["); if (back[i].r.totalsize>0) { int p; int j; p=(int)((back[i].r.size*10)/back[i].r.totalsize); p=minimum(10,p); for(j=0;j<p;j++) printf("*"); for(j=0;j<(10-p);j++) printf("-"); } else { printf(LLintP,(LLint)back[i].r.size); } printf("]"); //} else if (back[i].status==0) { // strcpybuff(s,"ENDED"); } printf("\n"); i++; } io_flush; } } // dÈbug graphique #if BDEBUG==2 { char s[12]; int i=0; _GOTOXY(1,1); printf("Rate=%d B/sec\n",(int) (HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV/(time_local()-HTS_STAT.stat_timestart))); while(i<minimum(back_max,160)) { if (back[i].status>0) { sprintf(s,"%d",back[i].r.size); } else if (back[i].status==0) { strcpybuff(s,"ENDED"); } else strcpybuff(s," - "); while(strlen(s)<8) strcatbuff(s," "); printf("%s",s); io_flush; i++; } } #endif #if BDEBUG==1 printf("statuscode=%d with %s / msg=%s\n",r.statuscode,r.contenttype,r.msg); #endif } /*else { #if BDEBUG==1 printf("back index error\n"); #endif } */ } // FIN --RECUPERATION LIEN--- // ------------------------------------------------------------ } else { // lien vide.. if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"warning"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Warning, link #%d empty"LF,ptr); test_flush; error=1; } } // test si url existe (non vide!) // ---tester taille a posteriori--- // tester r.adr if (!error) { // erreur, pas de fichier chargÈ: if ((!r.adr) && (r.is_write==0) && (r.statuscode!=301) && (r.statuscode!=302) && (r.statuscode!=303) && (r.statuscode!=307) && (r.statuscode!=412) && (r.statuscode!=416) ) { // error=1; // peut Ítre que le fichier Ètait trop gros? if ((istoobig(r.totalsize,opt.maxfile_html,opt.maxfile_nonhtml,r.contenttype)) || (istoobig(r.totalsize,opt.maxfile_html,opt.maxfile_nonhtml,r.contenttype))) { error=0; if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"warning"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Big file cancelled according to user's preferences: %s%s"LF,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } } // // // error=1; // ne pas traiter la suite -- euhh si finalement.. } } // ---fin tester taille a posteriori--- // -------------------- // BOGUS MIME TYPE HACK // Check if we have a bogus MIME type // example: // Content-type="text/html" // and // Content-disposition="foo.jpg" // -------------------- if (!error) { if (r.statuscode == 200) { // OK (ou 304 en backing) if (r.adr) { // Written file if ( (is_hypertext_mime(r.contenttype)) /* Is HTML or Js, .. */ || (may_be_hypertext_mime(r.contenttype) && (r.adr) ) /* Is real media, .. */ ) { if (strnotempty(r.cdispo)) { // Content-disposition set! if (ishtml(savename) == 0) { // Non HTML!! // patch it! strcpybuff(r.contenttype,"application/octet-stream"); } } } } } } // ------------------------------------ // BOGUS MIME TYPE HACK II (the revenge) // Check if we have a bogus MIME type if ( (is_hypertext_mime(r.contenttype)) /* Is HTML or Js, .. */ || (may_be_hypertext_mime(r.contenttype)) /* Is real media, .. */ ) { if ((r.adr) && (r.size)) { unsigned int map[256]; int i; unsigned int nspec = 0; map_characters((unsigned char*)r.adr, (unsigned int)r.size, (unsigned int*)map); for(i = 1 ; i < 32 ; i++) { // null chars ignored.. if (!is_realspace(i) && i != 27 /* Damn you ISO2022-xx! */ ) { nspec += map[i]; } } if ((nspec > r.size / 100) && (nspec > 10)) { // too many special characters strcpybuff(r.contenttype,"application/octet-stream"); if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"warning"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"File not parsed, looks like binary: %s%s"LF,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } } } } // -------------------- // REAL MEDIA HACK // Check if we have to load locally the file // -------------------- if (!error) { if (r.statuscode == 200) { // OK (ou 304 en backing) if (r.adr==NULL) { // Written file if (may_be_hypertext_mime(r.contenttype)) { // to parse! LLint sz; sz=fsize(savename); if (sz>0) { // ok, exists! if (sz < 1024) { // ok, small file --> to parse! FILE* fp=fopen(savename,"rb"); if (fp) { r.adr=malloct((int)sz + 2); if (r.adr) { fread(r.adr,(int)sz,1,fp); r.size=sz; fclose(fp); fp=NULL; // remove (temporary) file! remove(savename); } if (fp) fclose(fp); } } } } } } } // EN OF REAL MEDIA HACK // ---stockage en cache--- // stocker dans le cache? /* if (!error) { if (ptr>0) { if (liens[ptr]) { cache_mayadd(&opt,&cache,&r,urladr,urlfil,savename); } else error=1; } } */ // ---fin stockage en cache--- // DEBUT rattrapage des 301,302,307.. // ------------------------------------------------------------ if (!error) { ////////{ // on a chargÈ un fichier en plus // if (!error) stat_loaded+=r.size; // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Rattrapage des 301,302,307 (moved) et 412,416 - les 304 le sont dans le backing // ------------------------------------------------------------ if ( (r.statuscode==301) || (r.statuscode==302) || (r.statuscode==303) || (r.statuscode==307) ) { //if (r.adr!=NULL) { // adr==null si fichier direct. [catch: davename normalement si cgi] //int i=0; char *rn=NULL; // char* p; if ( (opt.debug>0) && (opt.errlog!=NULL) ) { //if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"warning"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"%s for %s%s"LF,r.msg,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } { char mov_url[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2],mov_adr[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2],mov_fil[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; int get_it=0; // ne pas prendre le fichier ‡ la mÍme adresse par dÈfaut int reponse=0; mov_url[0]='\0'; mov_adr[0]='\0'; mov_fil[0]='\0'; // strcpybuff(mov_url,r.location); // url qque -> adresse+fichier if ((reponse=ident_url_relatif(mov_url,urladr,urlfil,mov_adr,mov_fil))>=0) { int set_prio_to=0; // pas de priotitÈ fixÈd par wizard //if (ident_url_absolute(mov_url,mov_adr,mov_fil)!=-1) { // ok URL reconnue // c'est (en gros) la mÍme URL.. // si c'est un problËme de casse dans le host c'est que le serveur est buggÈ // ("RFC says.." : host name IS case insensitive) if ((strfield2(mov_adr,urladr)!=0) && (strfield2(mov_fil,urlfil)!=0)) { // identique ‡ casse prËs // on tourne en rond if (strcmp(mov_fil,urlfil)==0) { error=1; get_it=-1; // ne rien faire if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"warning"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Can not bear crazy server (%s) for %s%s"LF,r.msg,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } } else { // mauvaise casse, effacer entrÈe dans la pile et rejouer une fois get_it=1; } } else { // adresse diffÈrente if (ishtml(mov_url)==0) { // pas mÍme adresse MAIS c'est un fichier non html (pas de page moved possible) // -> on prend ‡ cette adresse, le lien sera enregistrÈ avec lien_record() (hash) if ((opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"wizard link test for moved file at %s%s.."LF,mov_adr,mov_fil); test_flush; } // acceptÈ? if (hts_acceptlink(&opt,ptr,lien_tot,liens, mov_adr,mov_fil, &filters,&filptr,opt.maxfilter, &robots, &set_prio_to, NULL) != 1) { /* nouvelle adresse non refusÈe ? */ get_it=1; if ((opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"moved link accepted: %s%s"LF,mov_adr,mov_fil); test_flush; } } } /* sinon traitÈ normalement */ } //if ((strfield2(mov_adr,urladr)!=0) && (strfield2(mov_fil,urlfil)!=0)) { // identique ‡ casse prËs if (get_it==1) { // court-circuiter le reste du traitement // et reculer pour mieux sauter if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"warning"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Warning moved treated for %s%s (real one is %s%s)"LF,urladr,urlfil,mov_adr,mov_fil); test_flush; } // canceller lien actuel error=1; strcpybuff(liens[ptr]->adr,"!"); // caractËre bidon (invalide hash) #if HTS_HASH #else liens[ptr]->sav_len=-1; // taille invalide #endif // noter NOUVEAU lien { char mov_sav[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; // calculer lien et Èventuellement modifier addresse/fichier if (url_savename(mov_adr,mov_fil,mov_sav,NULL,NULL,liens[liens[ptr]->precedent]->adr,liens[liens[ptr]->precedent]->fil,&opt,liens,lien_tot,back,back_max,&cache,&hash,ptr,numero_passe)!=-1) { if (hash_read(&hash,mov_sav,"",0)<0) { // n'existe pas dÈja // enregistrer lien (MACRO) avec SAV IDENTIQUE liens_record(mov_adr,mov_fil,liens[ptr]->sav,"",""); //liens_record(mov_adr,mov_fil,mov_sav,"",""); if (liens[lien_tot]!=NULL) { // OK, pas d'erreur // mode test? liens[lien_tot]->testmode=liens[ptr]->testmode; liens[lien_tot]->link_import=0; // mode normal if (!set_prio_to) liens[lien_tot]->depth=liens[ptr]->depth; else liens[lien_tot]->depth=max(0,min(set_prio_to-1,liens[ptr]->depth)); // PRIORITE NULLE (catch page) liens[lien_tot]->pass2=max(liens[ptr]->pass2,numero_passe); liens[lien_tot]->retry=liens[ptr]->retry; liens[lien_tot]->premier=liens[ptr]->premier; liens[lien_tot]->precedent=liens[ptr]->precedent; lien_tot++; } else { // oups erreur, plus de mÈmoire!! printf("PANIC! : Not enough memory [%d]\n",__LINE__); if (opt.errlog) { fprintf(opt.errlog,"Not enough memory, can not re-allocate %d bytes"LF,(int)((add_tab_alloc+1)*sizeof(lien_url))); test_flush; } //if (opt.getmode & 1) { if (fp) { fclose(fp); fp=NULL; } } XH_uninit; // dÈsallocation mÈmoire & buffers return 0; } } else { if ( (opt.debug>0) && (opt.errlog!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt.errlog,"warning"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"moving %s to an existing file %s"LF,liens[ptr]->fil,urlfil); test_flush; } } } } //printf("-> %s %s %s\n",liens[lien_tot-1]->adr,liens[lien_tot-1]->fil,liens[lien_tot-1]->sav); // note mÈtaphysique: il se peut qu'il y ait un index.html et un INDEX.HTML // sous DOS ca marche pas trËs bien... mais comme je suis gÈnial url_savename() // est ‡ mÍme de rÈgler ce problËme } } // ident_url_xx if (get_it==0) { // adresse vraiment diffÈrente et potentiellement en html (pas de possibilitÈ de bouger la page tel quel ‡ cause des <img src..> et cie) rn=(char*) calloct(8192,1); if (rn!=NULL) { if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"warning"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"File has moved from %s%s to %s"LF,urladr,urlfil,mov_url); test_flush; } escape_uri(mov_url); // On prÈpare une page qui sautera immÈdiatement sur la bonne URL // Le scanner re-changera, ensuite, cette URL, pour la mirrorer! strcpybuff(rn,"<HTML>"CRLF); strcatbuff(rn,"<!-- Created by HTTrack Website Copier/"HTTRACK_VERSION" "HTTRACK_AFF_AUTHORS" -->"CRLF); strcatbuff(rn,"<HEAD>"CRLF"<TITLE>Page has moved</TITLE>"CRLF"</HEAD>"CRLF"<BODY>"CRLF); strcatbuff(rn,"<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"0; URL="); strcatbuff(rn,mov_url); // URL strcatbuff(rn,"\">"CRLF); strcatbuff(rn,"<A HREF=\""); strcatbuff(rn,mov_url); strcatbuff(rn,"\">"); strcatbuff(rn,"<B>Click here...</B></A>"CRLF); strcatbuff(rn,"</BODY>"CRLF); strcatbuff(rn,"<!-- Created by HTTrack Website Copier/"HTTRACK_VERSION" "HTTRACK_AFF_AUTHORS" -->"CRLF); strcatbuff(rn,"</HTML>"CRLF); // changer la page if (r.adr) { freet(r.adr); r.adr=NULL; } r.adr=rn; r.size=strlen(r.adr); strcpybuff(r.contenttype,"text/html"); } } // get_it==0 } // bloc // erreur HTTP (ex: 404, not found) } else if ( (r.statuscode==412) || (r.statuscode==416) ) { // Precondition Failed, c'est ‡ dire pour nous redemander TOUT le fichier if (fexist(liens[ptr]->sav)) { remove(liens[ptr]->sav); // Eliminer if (!fexist(liens[ptr]->sav)) { // Bien ÈliminÈ? (sinon on boucle..) #if HDEBUG printf("Partial content NOT up-to-date, reget all file for %s\n",liens[ptr]->sav); #endif if ( (opt.debug>1) && (opt.errlog!=NULL) ) { //if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"debug"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Partial file reget (%s) for %s%s"LF,r.msg,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } // enregistrer le MEME lien (MACRO) liens_record(liens[ptr]->adr,liens[ptr]->fil,liens[ptr]->sav,"",""); if (liens[lien_tot]!=NULL) { // OK, pas d'erreur liens[lien_tot]->testmode=liens[ptr]->testmode; // mode test? liens[lien_tot]->link_import=0; // pas mode import liens[lien_tot]->depth=liens[ptr]->depth; liens[lien_tot]->pass2=max(liens[ptr]->pass2,numero_passe); liens[lien_tot]->retry=liens[ptr]->retry; liens[lien_tot]->premier=liens[ptr]->premier; liens[lien_tot]->precedent=ptr; lien_tot++; // // canceller lien actuel error=1; strcpybuff(liens[ptr]->adr,"!"); // caractËre bidon (invalide hash) #if HTS_HASH #else liens[ptr]->sav_len=-1; // taille invalide #endif // } else { // oups erreur, plus de mÈmoire!! printf("PANIC! : Not enough memory [%d]\n",__LINE__); if (opt.errlog) { fprintf(opt.errlog,"Not enough memory, can not re-allocate %d bytes"LF,(int)((add_tab_alloc+1)*sizeof(lien_url))); test_flush; } //if (opt.getmode & 1) { if (fp) { fclose(fp); fp=NULL; } } XH_uninit; // dÈsallocation mÈmoire & buffers return 0; } } else { if (opt.errlog!=NULL) { fspc(opt.errlog,"error"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Can not remove old file %s"LF,urlfil); test_flush; } } } else { if (opt.errlog!=NULL) { fspc(opt.errlog,"warning"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Unexpected 412/416 error (%s) for %s%s"LF,r.msg,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } } } else if (r.statuscode!=200) { int can_retry=0; // cas o˘ l'on peut reessayer // -2=timeout -3=rateout (interne ‡ httrack) switch(r.statuscode) { //case -1: can_retry=1; break; case -2: if (opt.hostcontrol) { // timeout et retry ÈpuisÈs if ((opt.hostcontrol & 1) && (liens[ptr]->retry<=0)) { if ((opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"Link banned: %s%s"LF,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } host_ban(&opt,liens,ptr,lien_tot,back,back_max,filters,opt.maxfilter,&filptr,jump_identification(urladr)); if ((opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"Info: previous log - link banned: %s%s"LF,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } } else can_retry=1; } else can_retry=1; break; case -3: if ((opt.hostcontrol) && (liens[ptr]->retry<=0)) { // too slow if (opt.hostcontrol & 2) { if ((opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"Link banned: %s%s"LF,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } host_ban(&opt,liens,ptr,lien_tot,back,back_max,filters,opt.maxfilter,&filptr,jump_identification(urladr)); if ((opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"Info: previous log - link banned: %s%s"LF,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } } else can_retry=1; } else can_retry=1; break; case -4: // connect closed can_retry=1; break; case -5: // other (non fatal) error can_retry=1; break; case -6: // bad SSL handskake can_retry=1; break; case 408: case 409: case 500: case 502: case 504: can_retry=1; break; } if ( strcmp(liens[ptr]->fil,"/primary") != 0 ) { // no primary (internal page 0) if ((liens[ptr]->retry<=0) || (!can_retry) ) { // retry ÈpuisÈs (ou retry impossible) if (opt.errlog) { if ((opt.retry>0) && (can_retry)){ fspc(opt.errlog,"error"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"\"%s\" (%d) after %d retries at link %s%s (from %s%s)"LF,r.msg,r.statuscode,opt.retry,urladr,urlfil,liens[liens[ptr]->precedent]->adr,liens[liens[ptr]->precedent]->fil); } else { if (r.statuscode==-10) { // test OK if ((opt.debug>0) && (opt.errlog!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.errlog,"info"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Test OK at link %s%s (from %s%s)"LF,urladr,urlfil,liens[liens[ptr]->precedent]->adr,liens[liens[ptr]->precedent]->fil); } } else { if (strcmp(urlfil,"/robots.txt")) { // ne pas afficher d'infos sur robots.txt par dÈfaut fspc(opt.errlog,"error"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"\"%s\" (%d) at link %s%s (from %s%s)"LF,r.msg,r.statuscode,urladr,urlfil,liens[liens[ptr]->precedent]->adr,liens[liens[ptr]->precedent]->fil); } else { if (opt.debug>1) { fspc(opt.errlog,"info"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"No robots.txt rules at %s"LF,urladr); test_flush; } } } } test_flush; } // NO error in trop level // due to the "no connection -> previous restored" hack // This prevent the engine from wiping all data if the website has been deleted (or moved) // since last time (which is quite annoying) if (liens[ptr]->precedent != 0) { // ici on teste si on doit enregistrer la page tout de mÍme if (opt.errpage) { store_errpage=1; } } else { if (strcmp(urlfil,"/robots.txt") != 0) { /* This is an error caused by a link entered by the user That is, link(s) entered by user are invalid (404, 500, connect error, proxy error..) If all links entered are invalid, the session failed and we will attempt to restore the previous one Example: Try to update a website which has been deleted remotely: this may delete the website locally, which is really not desired (especially if the website disappeared!) With this hack, the engine won't wipe local files (how clever) */ HTS_STAT.stat_errors_front++; } } } else { // retry!! if (opt.debug>0 && opt.errlog != NULL) { // on fera un alert si le retry Èchoue fspc(opt.errlog,"warning"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Retry after error %d (%s) at link %s%s (from %s%s)"LF,r.statuscode,r.msg,urladr,urlfil,liens[liens[ptr]->precedent]->adr,liens[liens[ptr]->precedent]->fil); test_flush; } // redemander fichier liens_record(urladr,urlfil,savename,"",""); if (liens[lien_tot]!=NULL) { // OK, pas d'erreur liens[lien_tot]->testmode=liens[ptr]->testmode; // mode test? liens[lien_tot]->link_import=0; // pas mode import liens[lien_tot]->depth=liens[ptr]->depth; liens[lien_tot]->pass2=max(liens[ptr]->pass2,numero_passe); liens[lien_tot]->retry=liens[ptr]->retry-1; // moins 1 retry! liens[lien_tot]->premier=liens[ptr]->premier; liens[lien_tot]->precedent=liens[ptr]->precedent; lien_tot++; } else { // oups erreur, plus de mÈmoire!! printf("PANIC! : Not enough memory [%d]\n",__LINE__); if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"panic"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Not enough memory, can not re-allocate %d bytes"LF,(int)((add_tab_alloc+1)*sizeof(lien_url))); test_flush; } //if (opt.getmode & 1) { if (fp) { fclose(fp); fp=NULL; } } XH_uninit; // dÈsallocation mÈmoire & buffers return 0; } } } else { if (opt.errlog) { if (opt.debug>1) { fspc(opt.errlog,"info"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Info: no robots.txt at %s%s"LF,urladr,urlfil); } } } if (!store_errpage) { if (r.adr) { freet(r.adr); r.adr=NULL; } // dÈsalloc error=1; // erreur! } } // FIN rattrapage des 301,302,307.. // ------------------------------------------------------------ } // if !error } // if !error if (!error) { #if DEBUG_SHOWTYPES if (strstr(REG,r.contenttype)==NULL) { strcatbuff(REG,r.contenttype); strcatbuff(REG,"\n"); printf("%s\n",r.contenttype); io_flush; } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------ // ok, fichier chargÈ localement // ------------------------------------------------------ // VÈrificateur d'intÈgritÈ #if DEBUG_CHECKINT { int i; for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) { char si[256]; sprintf(si,"Test global aprËs back_wait, index %d",i); _CHECKINT(&back[i],si) } } #endif /* info: updated */ /* if (ptr>0) { // "mis ‡ jour" if ((!r.notmodified) && (opt.is_update) && (!store_errpage)) { // page modifiÈe if (strnotempty(savename)) { HTS_STAT.stat_updated_files++; if (opt.log!=NULL) { //if ((opt.debug>0) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"File updated: %s%s"LF,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } } } else { if (!store_errpage) { if ( (opt.debug>0) && (opt.log!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"File recorded: %s%s"LF,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } } } } */ // ------------------------------------------------------ // traitement (parsing) // ------------------------------------------------------ // traiter if ( ( (is_hypertext_mime(r.contenttype)) /* Is HTML or Js, .. */ || (may_be_hypertext_mime(r.contenttype) && (r.adr) ) /* Is real media, .. */ ) && (liens[ptr]->depth>0) /* Depth > 0 (recurse depth) */ && (r.adr!=NULL) /* HTML Data exists */ && (r.size>0) /* And not empty */ && (!store_errpage) /* Not an html error page */ && (savename[0]!='\0') /* Output filename exists */ ) { // ne traiter que le html si autorisÈ // -- -- -- -- // Parsing HTML if (!error) { /* Info for wrappers */ if ( (opt.debug>0) && (opt.log!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"engine: check-html: %s%s"LF,urladr,urlfil); } { // I'll have to segment this part #include "htsparse.c" } } // Fin parsing HTML // -- -- -- -- } // si text/html // -- -- -- else { // sauver fichier quelconque // -- -- -- // sauver fichier /* En cas d'erreur, vÈrifier que fichier d'erreur existe */ if (strnotempty(savename) == 0) { // chemin de sauvegarde existant if (strcmp(urlfil,"/robots.txt")==0) { // pas robots.txt if (store_errpage) { // c'est une page d'erreur int create_html_warning=0; int create_gif_warning=0; switch (ishtml(urlfil)) { /* pas fichier html */ case 0: /* non html */ { char buff[256]; guess_httptype(buff,urlfil); if (strcmp(buff,"image/gif")==0) create_gif_warning=1; } break; case 1: /* html */ if (!r.adr) { } break; default: /* don't know.. */ break; } /* CrÈer message d'erreur ? */ if (create_html_warning) { char* adr=(char*)malloct(strlen(HTS_DATA_ERROR_HTML)+1100); if ( (opt.debug>0) && (opt.log!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"Creating HTML warning file (%s)"LF,r.msg); test_flush; } if (adr) { if (r.adr) { freet(r.adr); r.adr=NULL; } sprintf(adr,HTS_DATA_ERROR_HTML,r.msg); r.adr=adr; } } else if (create_gif_warning) { char* adr=(char*)malloct(HTS_DATA_UNKNOWN_GIF_LEN); if ( (opt.debug>0) && (opt.log!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"Creating GIF dummy file (%s)"LF,r.msg); test_flush; } if (r.adr) { freet(r.adr); r.adr=NULL; } memcpy(adr, HTS_DATA_UNKNOWN_GIF, HTS_DATA_UNKNOWN_GIF_LEN); r.adr=adr; } } } } if (strnotempty(savename) == 0) { // pas de chemin de sauvegarde if (strcmp(urlfil,"/robots.txt")==0) { // robots.txt if (r.adr) { int bptr=0; char line[1024]; char buff[8192]; char infobuff[8192]; int record=0; line[0]='\0'; buff[0]='\0'; infobuff[0]='\0'; // #if DEBUG_ROBOTS printf("robots.txt dump:\n%s\n",r.adr); #endif do { bptr+=binput(r.adr+bptr, line, sizeof(line) - 2); if (strfield(line,"user-agent:")) { char* a; a=line+11; while(*a==' ') a++; // sauter espace(s) if (*a == '*') { if (record != 2) record=1; // c pour nous } else if (strfield(a,"httrack")) { buff[0]='\0'; // re-enregistrer infobuff[0]='\0'; record=2; // locked #if DEBUG_ROBOTS printf("explicit disallow for httrack\n"); #endif } else record=0; } else if (record) { if (strfield(line,"disallow:")) { char* a; a=strchr(line,'#'); if (a) *a='\0'; while((line[strlen(line)-1]==' ') || (line[strlen(line)-1]==10) || (line[strlen(line)-1]==13)) line[strlen(line)-1]='\0'; // supprimer espaces a=line+9; while((*a==' ') || (*a==10) || (*a==13)) a++; // sauter espace(s) if (strnotempty(a)) { if (strcmp(a,"/") != 0) { /* ignoring disallow: / */ if ( (strlen(buff) + strlen(a) + 8) < sizeof(buff)) { strcatbuff(buff,a); strcatbuff(buff,"\n"); if ( (strlen(infobuff) + strlen(a) + 8) < sizeof(infobuff)) { if (strnotempty(infobuff)) strcatbuff(infobuff,", "); strcatbuff(infobuff,a); } } } else { if (opt.errlog!=NULL) { fspc(opt.errlog,"info"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Note: %s robots.txt rules are too restrictive, ignoring /"LF,urladr); test_flush; } } } } } } while( (bptr<r.size) && (strlen(buff) < (sizeof(buff) - 32) ) ); if (strnotempty(buff)) { checkrobots_set(&robots,urladr,buff); if (opt.log!=NULL) { if (opt.log != opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"Note: robots.txt forbidden links for %s are: %s"LF,urladr,infobuff); test_flush; } } if (opt.errlog!=NULL) { fspc(opt.errlog,"info"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Note: due to %s remote robots.txt rules, links begining with these path will be forbidden: %s (see in the options to disable this)"LF,urladr,infobuff); test_flush; } } } } } else if (r.is_write) { // dÈja sauvÈ sur disque /* if (!ishttperror(r.statuscode)) HTS_STAT.stat_files++; HTS_STAT.stat_bytes+=r.size; */ //printf("ok......\n"); } else { // Si on doit sauver une page HTML sans la scanner, cela signifie que le niveau de // rÈcursion nous en empÍche // Dans ce cas on met un fichier indiquant ce fait // Si par la suite on doit retraiter ce fichier avec un niveau de rÈcursion plus // fort, on supprimera le readme, et on scannera le fichier html! // note: sautÈ si store_errpage (c‡d si page d'erreur, non ‡ scanner!) if ( (is_hypertext_mime(r.contenttype)) && (!store_errpage) && (r.size>0)) { // c'est du html!! char tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; FILE* fp; tempo[0]='\0'; strcpybuff(tempo,savename); strcatbuff(tempo,".readme"); #if HTS_DOSNAME // remplacer / par des slash arriËre { int i=0; while(tempo[i]) { if (tempo[i]=='/') tempo[i]='\\'; i++; } } // a partir d'ici le slash devient antislash #endif if ((fp=fopen(tempo,"wb"))!=NULL) { fprintf(fp,"Info-file generated by HTTrack Website Copier "HTTRACK_VERSION"%s"CRLF""CRLF, WHAT_is_available); fprintf(fp,"The file %s has not been scanned by HTS"CRLF,savename); fprintf(fp,"Some links contained in it may be unreachable locally."CRLF); fprintf(fp,"If you want to get these files, you have to set an upper recurse level, "); fprintf(fp,"and to rescan the URL."CRLF); fclose(fp); #if HTS_WIN==0 chmod(tempo,HTS_ACCESS_FILE); #endif usercommand(0,NULL,antislash(tempo)); } if ( (opt.debug>0) && (opt.errlog!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt.errlog,"warning"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Warning: store %s without scan: %s"LF,r.contenttype,savename); test_flush; } } else { if ((opt.getmode & 2)!=0) { // ok autorisÈ if ( (opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"Store %s: %s"LF,r.contenttype,savename); test_flush; } } else { // lien non autorisÈ! (ex: cgi-bin en html) if ((opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"non-html file ignored after upload at %s : %s"LF,urladr,urlfil); test_flush; } if (r.adr) { freet(r.adr); r.adr=NULL; } } } //printf("extern=%s\n",r.contenttype); // ATTENTION C'EST ICI QU'ON SAUVE LE FICHIER!! if (r.adr) { if (filesave(r.adr,(int)r.size,savename)!=0) { if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"error"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Unable to save file %s"LF,savename); test_flush; } } else { /* if (!ishttperror(r.statuscode)) HTS_STAT.stat_files++; HTS_STAT.stat_bytes+=r.size; */ } } } /* Parsing of other media types (java, ram..) */ /* if (strfield2(r.contenttype,"audio/x-pn-realaudio")) { if ((opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"(Real Media): parsing %s"LF,savename); test_flush; } if (fexist(savename)) { // ok, existe bien! FILE* fp=fopen(savename,"r+b"); if (fp) { if (!fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET)) { char line[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; linput(fp,line,HTS_URLMAXSIZE); if (strnotempty(line)) { if ((opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"(Real Media): detected %s"LF,line); test_flush; } } } fclose(fp); } } } else */ /* External modules */ if (opt.parsejava && fexist(savename)) { char buff_err_msg[1024]; htsmoduleStruct str; buff_err_msg[0] = '\0'; memset(&str, 0, sizeof(str)); /* */ str.err_msg = buff_err_msg; str.filename = savename; str.mime = r.contenttype; str.url_host = urladr; str.url_file = urlfil; str.size = (int) r.size; /* */ str.addLink = htsAddLink; /* */ str.liens = liens; str.opt = &opt; str.back = back; str.back_max = back_max; str.cache = &cache; str.hashptr = hashptr; str.numero_passe = numero_passe; str.add_tab_alloc = add_tab_alloc; /* */ str.lien_tot_ = &lien_tot; str.ptr_ = &ptr; str.lien_size_ = &lien_size; str.lien_buffer_ = &lien_buffer; /* Parse if recognized */ switch(hts_parse_externals(&str)) { case 1: if ((opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"(External module): parsed successfully %s"LF,savename); test_flush; } break; case 0: if ((opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt.log,"debug"); fprintf(opt.log,"(External module): couldn't parse successfully %s : %s"LF,savename, str.err_msg); test_flush; } break; } } } // text/html ou autre } // if !error jump_if_done: // libÈrer les liens if (r.adr) { freet(r.adr); r.adr=NULL; } // libÈrer la mÈmoire! // prochain lien ptr++; // faut-il sauter le(s) lien(s) suivant(s)? (fichiers images ‡ passer aprËs les html) if (opt.getmode & 4) { // sauver les non html aprËs // sauter les fichiers selon la passe if (!numero_passe) { while((ptr<lien_tot)?( liens[ptr]->pass2):0) ptr++; } else { while((ptr<lien_tot)?( ! liens[ptr]->pass2):0) ptr++; } if (ptr>=lien_tot) { // fin de boucle if (!numero_passe) { // premiËre boucle if ((opt.debug>1) && (opt.log!=NULL)) { fprintf(opt.log,LF"Now getting non-html files..."LF); test_flush; } numero_passe=1; // seconde boucle ptr=0; // prochain pass2 while((ptr<lien_tot)?(!liens[ptr]->pass2):0) ptr++; //printf("first link==%d\n"); } } } // a-t-on dÈpassÈ le quota? if ((opt.maxsite>0) && (HTS_STAT.stat_bytes>=opt.maxsite)) { if (opt.errlog) { fprintf(opt.errlog,"More than "LLintP" bytes have been transfered.. giving up"LF,(LLint)opt.maxsite); test_flush; } ptr=lien_tot; } else if ((opt.maxtime>0) && ((time_local()-HTS_STAT.stat_timestart)>opt.maxtime)) { if (opt.errlog) { fprintf(opt.errlog,"More than %d seconds passed.. giving up"LF,opt.maxtime); test_flush; } ptr=lien_tot; } else if (exit_xh) { // sortir if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"info"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"Exit requested by shell or user"LF); test_flush; } ptr=lien_tot; } } while(ptr<lien_tot); // // // /* Ensure the index is being closed */ HT_INDEX_END; /* updating-a-remotely-deteted-website hack no much data transfered, no data saved <no files successfulyl saved> we assume that something was bad (no connection) just backup old cache and restore everything */ if ( (HTS_STAT.stat_files <= 0) && (HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV < 32768) /* should be fine */ ) { if (opt.errlog) { fspc(opt.errlog,"info"); fprintf(opt.errlog,"No data seems to have been transfered during this session! : restoring previous one!"LF); test_flush; } XH_uninit; if ( (fexist(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat"))) && (fexist(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx"))) ) { remove(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat")); remove(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")); remove(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/new.lst")); remove(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/new.txt")); rename(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/old.dat"),fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/new.dat")); rename(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/old.ndx"),fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/new.ndx")); rename(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/old.lst"),fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/new.lst")); rename(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/old.txt"),fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/new.txt")); } exit_xh=2; /* interrupted (no connection detected) */ return 1; } // info text if (cache.txt) { fclose(cache.txt); cache.txt=NULL; } // purger! if (cache.lst) { fclose(cache.lst); cache.lst=NULL; if (opt.delete_old) { FILE *old_lst,*new_lst; // #if HTS_ANALYSTE _hts_in_html_parsing=3; #endif // old_lst=fopen(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/old.lst"),"rb"); if (old_lst) { LLint sz=fsize(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/new.lst")); new_lst=fopen(fconcat(opt.path_log,"hts-cache/new.lst"),"rb"); if ((new_lst) && (sz>0)) { char* adr=(char*) malloct((INTsys)sz); if (adr) { if ((int) fread(adr,1,(INTsys)sz,new_lst) == sz) { char line[1100]; int purge=0; while(!feof(old_lst)) { linput(old_lst,line,1000); if (!strstr(adr,line)) { // fichier non trouvÈ dans le nouveau? char file[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; strcpybuff(file,opt.path_html); strcatbuff(file,line+1); file[strlen(file)-1]='\0'; if (fexist(file)) { // toujours sur disque: virer if (opt.log) { fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"Purging %s"LF,file); } remove(file); purge=1; } } } { fseek(old_lst,0,SEEK_SET); while(!feof(old_lst)) { linput(old_lst,line,1000); while(strnotempty(line) && (line[strlen(line)-1]!='/') && (line[strlen(line)-1]!='\\')) { line[strlen(line)-1]='\0'; } if (strnotempty(line)) line[strlen(line)-1]='\0'; if (strnotempty(line)) if (!strstr(adr,line)) { // non trouvÈ? char file[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; strcpybuff(file,opt.path_html); strcatbuff(file,line+1); while ((strnotempty(file)) && (rmdir(file)==0)) { // ok, ÈliminÈ (existait) purge=1; if (opt.log) { fspc(opt.log,"info"); fprintf(opt.log,"Purging directory %s/"LF,file); while(strnotempty(file) && (file[strlen(file)-1]!='/') && (file[strlen(file)-1]!='\\')) { file[strlen(file)-1]='\0'; } if (strnotempty(file)) file[strlen(file)-1]='\0'; } } } } } // if (!purge) { if (opt.log) { fprintf(opt.log,"No files purged"LF); } } } freet(adr); } fclose(new_lst); } fclose(old_lst); } // #if HTS_ANALYSTE _hts_in_html_parsing=0; #endif } } // fin purge! // Indexation if (opt.kindex) index_finish(opt.path_html,opt.kindex); // afficher rÈsumÈ dans log if (opt.log!=NULL) { int error = fspc(NULL,"error"); int warning = fspc(NULL,"warning"); int info = fspc(NULL,"info"); char htstime[256]; // int n=(int) (stat_loaded/(time_local()-HTS_STAT.stat_timestart)); int n=(int) (HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV/(max(1,time_local()-HTS_STAT.stat_timestart))); sec2str(htstime,time_local()-HTS_STAT.stat_timestart); //fprintf(opt.log,LF"HTS-mirror complete in %s : %d links scanned, %d files written (%d bytes overall) [%d bytes received at %d bytes/sec]"LF,htstime,lien_tot-1,HTS_STAT.stat_files,stat_bytes,stat_loaded,n); fprintf(opt.log,LF"HTTrack mirror complete in %s : %d links scanned, %d files written (%d bytes overall) [%d bytes received at %d bytes/sec]",htstime,(int)lien_tot-1,(int)HTS_STAT.stat_files,(int)HTS_STAT.stat_bytes,(int)HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV,(int)n); if (HTS_STAT.total_packed) { int packed_ratio=(int)((LLint)(HTS_STAT.total_packed*100)/HTS_STAT.total_unpacked); fprintf(opt.log,", "LLintP" bytes transfered using HTTP compression in %d files, ratio %d%%",(LLint)HTS_STAT.total_unpacked,HTS_STAT.total_packedfiles,(int)packed_ratio); } fprintf(opt.log,LF); if (error) fprintf(opt.log,"(%d errors, %d warnings, %d messages)"LF,error,warning,info); else fprintf(opt.log,"(No errors, %d warnings, %d messages)"LF,warning,info); test_flush; } #if DEBUG_HASH // noter les collisions { int i; int empty1=0,empty2=0,empty3=0; for(i=0;i<HTS_HASH_SIZE;i++) { if (hash.hash[0][i] == -1) empty1++; if (hash.hash[1][i] == -1) empty2++; if (hash.hash[2][i] == -1) empty3++; } printf("\n"); printf("Debug info: Hash-table report\n"); printf("Number of files entered: %d\n",hashnumber); printf("Table size: %d\n",HTS_HASH_SIZE); printf("\n"); printf("Longest chain sav: %d, empty: %d\n",longest_hash[0],empty1); printf("Longest chain adr,fil: %d, empty: %d\n",longest_hash[1],empty2); printf("Longest chain former_adr/fil: %d, empty: %d\n",longest_hash[2],empty3); printf("\n"); } #endif // fin afficher rÈsumÈ dans log // dÈsallocation mÈmoire & buffers XH_uninit return 1; // OK } // version 2 pour le reste // flusher si on doit lire peu ‡ peu le fichier #undef test_flush #define test_flush if (opt->flush) { fflush(opt->log); fflush(opt->errlog); } // Estimate transfer rate // a little bit complex, but not too much /* .. : idle ^ : event ----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 time (seconds) ----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----> ^........^.........^.........^.........^.... timer 0 ----^.........^.........^.........^......... timer 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 timer N sets its statistics * * * * timer 0 resync timer 1 Therefore, each seconds, we resync the transfer rate with 2-seconds */ int engine_stats(void) { #if 0 static FILE* debug_fp=NULL; /* ok */ if (!debug_fp) debug_fp=fopen("esstat.txt","wb"); #endif HTS_STAT.stat_nsocket=HTS_STAT.stat_errors=HTS_STAT.nbk==0; HTS_STAT.nb=0; if (HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV>2048) { TStamp cdif=mtime_local(); int i; for(i=0;i<2;i++) { if ( (cdif - HTS_STAT.istat_timestart[i]) >= 2000) { TStamp dif; #if 0 fprintf(debug_fp,"set timer %d\n",i); fflush(debug_fp); #endif dif=cdif - HTS_STAT.istat_timestart[i]; if ((TStamp)(dif/1000)>0) { LLint byt=(HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV - HTS_STAT.istat_bytes[i]); HTS_STAT.rate=(LLint)((TStamp) ((TStamp)byt/(dif/1000))); HTS_STAT.istat_idlasttimer=i; // this timer recently sets the stats // HTS_STAT.istat_bytes[i]=HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV; HTS_STAT.istat_timestart[i]=cdif; } return 1; /* refreshed */ } } // resynchronization between timer 0 (master) and 1 (slave) // timer #0 resync timer #1 when reaching 1 second limit if (HTS_STAT.istat_reference01 != HTS_STAT.istat_timestart[0]) { if ( (cdif - HTS_STAT.istat_timestart[0]) >= 1000) { #if 0 fprintf(debug_fp,"resync timer 1\n"); fflush(debug_fp); #endif HTS_STAT.istat_bytes[1]=HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV; HTS_STAT.istat_timestart[1]=cdif; HTS_STAT.istat_reference01=HTS_STAT.istat_timestart[0]; } } } return 0; } // bannir host (trop lent etc) void host_ban(httrackp* opt,lien_url** liens,int ptr,int lien_tot,lien_back* back,int back_max,char** filters,int filter_max,int* filptr,char* host) { //int l; int i; if (host[0]=='!') return; // erreur.. dÈja cancellÈ.. bizarre.. devrait pas arriver /* sanity check */ if (*filptr + 1 >= opt->maxfilter) { opt->maxfilter += HTS_FILTERSINC; if (filters_init(&filters, opt->maxfilter, HTS_FILTERSINC) == 0) { printf("PANIC! : Too many filters : >%d [%d]\n",*filptr,__LINE__); if (opt->errlog) { fprintf(opt->errlog,LF"Too many filters, giving up..(>%d)"LF,*filptr); fprintf(opt->errlog,"To avoid that: use #F option for more filters (example: -#F5000)"LF); fflush(opt->errlog); } abort(); } //opt->filters.filters=&filters; } // interdire host if (*filptr < filter_max) { strcpybuff(filters[*filptr],"-"); strcatbuff(filters[*filptr],host); strcatbuff(filters[*filptr],"/*"); // host/ * interdit (*filptr)++; *filptr=minimum(*filptr,filter_max); } // oups if (strlen(host)<=1) { // euhh?? longueur <= 1 if (strcmp(host,"file://")) { //## if (host[0]!=lOCAL_CHAR) { // pas local if (opt->log!=NULL) { fprintf(opt->log,"PANIC! HostCancel detected memory leaks [char %d]"LF,host[0]); test_flush; } return; // purÈe } } // couper connexion for(i=0;i<back_max;i++) { if (back[i].status>=0) // rÈception OU prÍt if (strfield2(back[i].url_adr,host)) { #if HTS_DEBUG_CLOSESOCK DEBUG_W("host control: deletehttp\n"); #endif back[i].status=0; // terminÈ if (back[i].r.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) deletehttp(&back[i].r); back[i].r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET; back[i].r.statuscode=-2; // timeout (peu importe si c'est un traffic jam) strcpybuff(back[i].r.msg,"Link Cancelled by host control"); if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fprintf(opt->log,"Shutdown: %s%s"LF,back[i].url_adr,back[i].url_fil); test_flush; } } } // effacer liens //l=strlen(host); for(i=0;i<lien_tot;i++) { //if (liens[i]->adr_len==l) { // mÍme taille de chaÓne // Calcul de taille sÈcurisÈe if (liens[i]) { if (liens[i]->adr) { int l = 0; while((liens[i]->adr[l]) && (l<1020)) l++; if ((l > 0) && (l<1020)) { // sÈcuritÈ if (strfield2(jump_identification(liens[i]->adr),host)) { // host if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fprintf(opt->log,"Cancel: %s%s"LF,liens[i]->adr,liens[i]->fil); test_flush; } strcpybuff(liens[i]->adr,"!"); // cancel (invalide hash) #if HTS_HASH #else liens[i]->sav_len=-1; // taille invalide #endif // on efface pas le hash, because si on rencontre le lien, reverif sav.. } } else { if (opt->log!=NULL) { char dmp[1040]; dmp[0]='\0'; strncatbuff(dmp,liens[i]->adr,1024); fprintf(opt->log,"WARNING! HostCancel detected memory leaks [len %d at %d]"LF,l,i); test_flush; fprintf(opt->log,"dump 1024 bytes (address %p): "LF"%s"LF,liens[i]->adr,dmp); test_flush; } } } else { if (opt->log!=NULL) { fprintf(opt->log,"WARNING! HostCancel detected memory leaks [adr at %d]"LF,i); test_flush; } } } else { if (opt->log!=NULL) { fprintf(opt->log,"WARNING! HostCancel detected memory leaks [null at %d]"LF,i); test_flush; } } //} } } /* Init structure */ /* 1 : init */ /* -1 : off */ /* 0 : query */ void* structcheck_init(int init) { int structcheck_size = 1024; inthash* structcheck_hash; NOSTATIC_RESERVE(structcheck_hash, inthash, 1); if (init == 1 || init == -1) { if (init) { if (*structcheck_hash) inthash_delete(structcheck_hash); *structcheck_hash=NULL; } if (init != -1) { if (*structcheck_hash==NULL) { *structcheck_hash=inthash_new(structcheck_size); // dÈsallouÈ xh_xx } } } return *structcheck_hash; } int filters_init(char*** ptrfilters, int maxfilter, int filterinc) { char** filters = *ptrfilters; int filter_max=maximum(maxfilter, 128); if (filters == NULL) { filters=(char**) malloct( sizeof(char*) * (filter_max+2) ); memset(filters, 0, sizeof(char*) * (filter_max+2)); // filters[0] == 0 } else { filters=(char**) realloct(filters, sizeof(char*) * (filter_max+2) ); } if (filters) { if (filters[0] == NULL) { filters[0]=(char*) malloct( sizeof(char) * (filter_max+2) * (HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2) ); memset(filters[0], 0, sizeof(char) * (filter_max+2) * (HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2) ); } else { filters[0]=(char*) realloct(filters[0], sizeof(char) * (filter_max+2) * (HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2) ); } if (filters[0] == NULL) { freet(filters); filters = NULL; } } if (filters != NULL) { int i; int from; if (filterinc == 0) from = 0; else from = filter_max - filterinc; for(i=0 ; i<=filter_max ; i++) { // PLUS UN (sÈcuritÈ) filters[i]=filters[0]+i*(HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2); } for(i=from ; i<=filter_max ; i++) { // PLUS UN (sÈcuritÈ) filters[i][0]='\0'; // clear } } *ptrfilters = filters; return (filters != NULL) ? filter_max : 0; } // vÈrifier prÈsence de l'arbo HTSEXT_API int structcheck(char* s) { // vÈrifier la prÈsence des dossier(s) char *a=s; char nom[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; char *b; inthash structcheck_hash=NULL; if (strnotempty(s)==0) return 0; if (strlen(s)>HTS_URLMAXSIZE) return 0; // Get buffer address structcheck_hash = (inthash)structcheck_init(0); if (!structcheck_hash) { return -1; } if (structcheck_hash) { b=nom; do { if (*a) *b++=*a++; while((*a!='/') && (*a!='\0')) *b++=*a++; *b='\0'; // pas de ++ pour boucler if (*a=='/') { // toujours dossier if (strnotempty(nom)) { if (inthash_write(structcheck_hash, nom, 1)) { // non encore crÈÈ #if HTS_WIN if (mkdir(fconv(nom))!=0) #else if (mkdir(fconv(nom),HTS_ACCESS_FOLDER)!=0) #endif { #if HTS_REMOVE_ANNOYING_INDEX // might be a filename with same name than this folder // then, remove it to allow folder creation // it happends when servers gives a folder index while // requesting / page // -> if the file can be opened (not a folder) then rename it FILE* fp=fopen(fconv(nom),"rb"); if (fp) { fclose(fp); rename(fconv(nom),fconcat(fconv(nom),".txt")); } // if it fails, that's too bad #if HTS_WIN mkdir(fconv(nom)); #else mkdir(fconv(nom),HTS_ACCESS_FOLDER); #endif #endif // Si existe dÈja renvoie une erreur.. tant pis } #if HTS_WIN==0 /*chmod(fconv(nom),HTS_ACCESS_FOLDER);*/ #endif } } *b++=*a++; // slash } } while(*a); } return 0; } // sauver un fichier int filesave(char* adr,int len,char* s) { FILE* fp; // Ècrire le fichier if ((fp=filecreate(s))!=NULL) { int nl=0; if (len>0) { nl=(int) fwrite(adr,1,len,fp); } fclose(fp); usercommand(0,NULL,antislash(s)); if (nl!=len) // erreur return -1; } else return -1; return 0; } // ouvrir un fichier (avec chemin Un*x) FILE* filecreate(char* s) { char fname[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; FILE* fp; fname[0]='\0'; // noter lst filenote(s,NULL); // if (*s=='/') strcpybuff(fname,s+1); else strcpybuff(fname,s); // pas de / (root!!) // ** SIIIIIII!!! ‡ cause de -O <path> strcpybuff(fname,s); #if HTS_DOSNAME // remplacer / par des slash arriËre { int i=0; while(fname[i]) { if (fname[i]=='/') fname[i]='\\'; i++; } } // a partir d'ici le slash devient antislash #endif // construite le chemin si besoin est if (structcheck(s)!=0) { return NULL; } // ouvrir fp=fopen(fname,"wb"); #if HTS_WIN==0 if (fp!=NULL) chmod(fname,HTS_ACCESS_FILE); #endif return fp; } // create an empty file int filecreateempty(char* filename) { FILE* fp; fp=filecreate(filename); // filenote & co if (fp) { fclose(fp); return 1; } else return 0; } // noter fichier typedef struct { FILE* lst; char path[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; } filenote_strc; int filenote(char* s,filecreate_params* params) { filenote_strc* strc; NOSTATIC_RESERVE(strc, filenote_strc, 1); // gestion du fichier liste liste if (params) { //filecreate_params* p = (filecreate_params*) params; strcpybuff(strc->path,params->path); strc->lst=params->lst; return 0; } else if (strc->lst) { char savelst[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; strcpybuff(savelst,fslash(s)); // couper chemin? if (strnotempty(strc->path)) { if (strncmp(fslash(strc->path),savelst,strlen(strc->path))==0) { // couper strcpybuff(savelst,s+strlen(strc->path)); } } fprintf(strc->lst,"[%s]"LF,savelst); fflush(strc->lst); } return 1; } // executer commande utilisateur typedef struct { int exe; char cmd[2048]; } usercommand_strc; HTS_INLINE void usercommand(int _exe,char* _cmd,char* file) { usercommand_strc* strc; NOSTATIC_RESERVE(strc, usercommand_strc, 1); if (_exe) { strcpybuff(strc->cmd,_cmd); if (strnotempty(strc->cmd)) strc->exe=_exe; else strc->exe=0; } #if HTS_ANALYSTE if (hts_htmlcheck_filesave) if (strnotempty(file)) hts_htmlcheck_filesave(file); #endif if (strc->exe) { if (strnotempty(file)) { if (strnotempty(strc->cmd)) { usercommand_exe(strc->cmd,file); } } } } void usercommand_exe(char* cmd,char* file) { char temp[8192]; char c[2]=""; int i; temp[0]='\0'; // for(i=0;i<(int) strlen(cmd);i++) { if ((cmd[i]=='$') && (cmd[i+1]=='0')) { strcatbuff(temp,file); i++; } else { c[0]=cmd[i]; c[1]='\0'; strcatbuff(temp,c); } } system(temp); } // Ècrire n espaces dans fp typedef struct { int error; int warning; int info; } fspc_strc; HTS_INLINE int fspc(FILE* fp,char* type) { fspc_strc* strc; NOSTATIC_RESERVE(strc, fspc_strc, 1); // log.. // if (fp) { char s[256]; time_t tt; struct tm* A; tt=time(NULL); A=localtime(&tt); strftime(s,250,"%H:%M:%S",A); if (strnotempty(type)) fprintf(fp,"%s\t%c%s: \t",s,hichar(*type),type+1); else fprintf(fp,"%s\t \t",s); if (strcmp(type,"warning")==0) strc->warning++; else if (strcmp(type,"error")==0) strc->error++; else if (strcmp(type,"info")==0) strc->info++; } else if (!type) strc->error=strc->warning=strc->info=0; // reset else if (strcmp(type,"warning")==0) return strc->warning; else if (strcmp(type,"error")==0) return strc->error; else if (strcmp(type,"info")==0) return strc->info; return 0; } // vÈrifier taux de transfert #if 0 void check_rate(TStamp stat_timestart,int maxrate) { // vÈrifier taux de transfert (pas trop grand?) /* if (maxrate>0) { int r = (int) (HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV/(time_local()-stat_timestart)); // taux actuel de transfert HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV_STATE=0; if (r>maxrate) { // taux>taux autorisÈ int taux = (int) (((TStamp) (r - maxrate) * 100) / (TStamp) maxrate); if (taux<15) HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV_STATE=1; // ralentir un peu (<15% dÈpassement) else if (taux<50) HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV_STATE=2; // beaucoup (<50% dÈpassement) else HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV_STATE=3; // ÈnormÈment (>50% dÈpassement) } } */ } #endif // --- // sous routines liÈes au moteur et au backing // supplemental links ready (done) after ptr int backlinks_done(lien_url** liens,int lien_tot,int ptr) { int n=0; int i; //Links done and stored in cache for(i=ptr+1;i<lien_tot;i++) { if (liens[i]) { if (liens[i]->pass2 == -1) { n++; } } } return n; } // remplir backing si moins de max_bytes en mÈmoire HTS_INLINE int back_fillmax(lien_back* back,int back_max,httrackp* opt,cache_back* cache,lien_url** liens,int ptr,int numero_passe,int lien_tot) { if (!opt->state.stop) { if (back_incache(back,back_max)<opt->maxcache) { // pas trop en mÈmoire? return back_fill(back,back_max,opt,cache,liens,ptr,numero_passe,lien_tot); } } return -1; /* plus de place */ } // remplir backing int back_fill(lien_back* back,int back_max,httrackp* opt,cache_back* cache,lien_url** liens,int ptr,int numero_passe,int lien_tot) { int n; // ajouter autant de socket qu'on peut ajouter n=opt->maxsoc-back_nsoc(back,back_max); // vÈrifier qu'il restera assez de place pour les tests ensuite (en thÈorie, 1 entrÈe libre restante suffirait) n=min( n, back_available(back,back_max) - 8 ); // no space left on backing stack - do not back anymore if (back_stack_available(back,back_max) <= 2) n=0; if (n>0) { int p; if (ptr<cache->ptr_last) { /* restart (2 scans: first html, then non html) */ cache->ptr_ant=0; } p=ptr+1; /* on a dÈja parcouru */ if (p<cache->ptr_ant) p=cache->ptr_ant; while( (p<lien_tot) && (n>0) ) { //while((p<lien_tot) && (n>0) && (p < ptr+opt->maxcache_anticipate)) { int ok=1; // on ne met pas le fichier en backing si il doit Ítre traitÈ aprËs if (liens[p]->pass2) { // 2Ë passe if (numero_passe!=1) ok=0; } else { if (numero_passe!=0) ok=0; } // note: si un backing est fini, il reste en mÈmoire jusqu'‡ ce que // le ptr l'atteigne if (ok) { if (!back_exist(back,back_max,liens[p]->adr,liens[p]->fil,liens[p]->sav)) { if (back_add(back,back_max,opt,cache,liens[p]->adr,liens[p]->fil,liens[p]->sav,liens[liens[p]->precedent]->adr,liens[liens[p]->precedent]->fil,liens[p]->testmode,&liens[p]->pass2)==-1) { if ( (opt->debug>1) && (opt->errlog!=NULL) ) { fspc(opt->errlog,"debug"); fprintf(opt->errlog,"error: unable to add more links through back_add for back_fill"LF); test_flush; } #if BDEBUG==1 printf("error while adding\n"); #endif n=0; // sortir } else { n--; #if BDEBUG==1 printf("backing: %s%s\n",liens[p]->adr,liens[p]->fil); #endif } } } p++; } // while /* sauver position derniËre anticipation */ cache->ptr_ant=p; cache->ptr_last=ptr; } return 0; } // --- // routines de dÈtournement de SIGHUP & co (Unix) // httrackp* hts_declareoptbuffer(httrackp* optdecl) { static httrackp* opt=NULL; /* OK */ if (optdecl) opt=optdecl; return opt; } // void sig_finish( int code ) { // finir et quitter signal(code,sig_term); // quitter si encore exit_xh=1; fprintf(stderr,"\nExit requested to engine (signal %d)\n",code); } void sig_term( int code ) { // quitter brutalement fprintf(stderr,"\nProgram terminated (signal %d)\n",code); exit(0); } #if HTS_WIN void sig_ask( int code ) { // demander char s[256]; signal(code,sig_term); // quitter si encore printf("\nQuit program/Interrupt/Cancel? (Q/I/C) "); fflush(stdout); scanf("%s",s); if ( (s[0]=='y') || (s[0]=='Y') || (s[0]=='o') || (s[0]=='O') || (s[0]=='q') || (s[0]=='Q')) exit(0); // quitter else if ( (s[0]=='i') || (s[0]=='I') ) { httrackp* opt=hts_declareoptbuffer(NULL); if (opt) { // ask for stop opt->state.stop=1; } } signal(code,sig_ask); // remettre signal } #else void sig_back( int code ) { // ignorer et mettre en backing signal(code,sig_ignore); sig_doback(0); } void sig_ask( int code ) { // demander char s[256]; signal(code,sig_term); // quitter si encore printf("\nQuit program/Interrupt/Background/bLind background/Cancel? (Q/I/B/L/C) "); fflush(stdout); scanf("%s",s); if ( (s[0]=='y') || (s[0]=='Y') || (s[0]=='o') || (s[0]=='O') || (s[0]=='q') || (s[0]=='Q')) exit(0); // quitter else if ( (s[0]=='b') || (s[0]=='B') || (s[0]=='a') || (s[0]=='A') ) sig_doback(0); // arriËre plan else if ( (s[0]=='l') || (s[0]=='L') ) sig_doback(1); // arriËre plan else if ( (s[0]=='i') || (s[0]=='I') ) { httrackp* opt=hts_declareoptbuffer(NULL); if (opt) { // ask for stop opt->state.stop=1; } signal(code,sig_ask); // remettre signal } else { printf("cancel..\n"); signal(code,sig_ask); // remettre signal } } void sig_ignore( int code ) { // ignorer signal } void sig_brpipe( int code ) { // treat if necessary if (!sig_ignore_flag(-1)) { sig_term(code); } } void sig_doback(int blind) { // mettre en backing int out=-1; // printf("\nMoving to background to complete the mirror...\n"); fflush(stdout); { httrackp* opt=hts_declareoptbuffer(NULL); if (opt) { // suppress logging and asking lousy questions opt->quiet=1; opt->verbosedisplay=0; } } if (!blind) out = open("hts-nohup.out",O_CREAT|O_WRONLY,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); if (out == -1) out = open("/dev/null",O_WRONLY,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); close(0); close(1); dup(out); close(2); dup(out); // switch (fork()) { case 0: break; case -1: fprintf(stderr,"Error: can not fork process\n"); break; default: // pere usleep(100000); // pause 1/10s "A microsecond is .000001s" _exit(0); break; } } #endif // fin routines de dÈtournement de SIGHUP & co // Poll stdin.. si besoin #if HTS_POLL // lecture stdin des caractËres disponibles int read_stdin(char* s,int max) { int i=0; while((check_stdin()) && (i<(max-1)) ) s[i++]=fgetc(stdin); s[i]='\0'; return i; } #ifdef _WIN32 HTS_INLINE int check_stdin(void) { return (_kbhit()); } #else HTS_INLINE int check_flot(T_SOC s) { fd_set fds; struct timeval tv; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET((T_SOC) s,&fds); tv.tv_sec=0; tv.tv_usec=0; select(s+1,&fds,NULL,NULL,&tv); return FD_ISSET(s,&fds); } HTS_INLINE int check_stdin(void) { fflush(stdout); fflush(stdin); if (check_flot(0)) return 1; return 0; } #endif #endif // Attente de touche #if HTS_ANALYSTE int ask_continue(void) { char* s; s=hts_htmlcheck_query2(HTbuff); if (s) { if (strnotempty(s)) { if ((strfield2(s,"N")) || (strfield2(s,"NO")) || (strfield2(s,"NON"))) return 0; } return 1; } return 1; } #else int ask_continue(void) { char s[12]; s[0]='\0'; printf("Press <Y><Enter> to confirm, <N><Enter> to abort\n"); io_flush; linput(stdin,s,4); if (strnotempty(s)) { if ((strfield2(s,"N")) || (strfield2(s,"NO")) || (strfield2(s,"NON"))) return 0; } return 1; } #endif // nombre de digits dans un nombre int nombre_digit(int n) { int i=1; while(n >= 10) { n/=10; i++; } return i; } // renvoi adresse de la fin du token dans p // renvoi NULL si la chaine est un token unique // (PATCHE Ègalement la chaine) // ex: "test" "test2" renvoi adresse sur espace // flag==1 si chaine comporte des echappements comme \" char* next_token(char* p,int flag) { int detect=0; int quote=0; p--; do { p++; if (flag && (*p=='\\')) { // sauter \x ou \" if (quote) { char c='\0'; if (*(p+1)=='\\') c='\\'; else if (*(p+1)=='"') c='"'; if (c) { char tempo[8192]; tempo[0]=c; tempo[1]='\0'; strcatbuff(tempo,p+2); strcpybuff(p,tempo); } } } else if (*p==34) { // guillemets (de fin) quote=!quote; } else if (*p==32) { if (!quote) detect=1; } else if (*p=='\0') { p=NULL; detect=1; } } while(!detect); return p; } // routines annexes #if HTS_ANALYSTE // canceller un fichier (noter comme cancellable) // !!NOT THREAD SAFE!! HTSEXT_API char* hts_cancel_file(char * s) { static char sav[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]=""; if (s[0]!='\0') if (sav[0]=='\0') strcpybuff(sav,s); return sav; } HTSEXT_API void hts_cancel_test(void) { if (_hts_in_html_parsing==2) _hts_cancel=2; } HTSEXT_API void hts_cancel_parsing(void) { if (_hts_in_html_parsing) _hts_cancel=1; } #endif // for(_i=0;(_i<back_max) && (index<NStatsBuffer);_i++) { // i=(back_index+_i)%back_max; // commencer par le "premier" (l'actuel) // if (back[i].status>=0) { // signifie "lien actif" #if 0 /* hts_add_file, add/get elements in the add chain for java parsing if file_position >= 0 push 'file/file_position' return 1 (return 0 if exists) else pop file -> 'file' return 'file_position' else if empty/error return -1; */ typedef struct addfile_chain { char name[1024]; int pos; struct addfile_chain* next; } addfile_chain; typedef addfile_chain* addfile_chain_ptr; int opt->(char* file,int file_position) { addfile_chain** chain; NOSTATIC_RESERVE(chain, addfile_chain_ptr, 1); if (file_position>=0) { /* copy file to the chain */ struct addfile_chain** current; current=chain; /* start from */ while(*current) { if (strcmp((*current)->name,file)==0) return 0; /* already exists */ current=&( (*current)->next ); /* 'next' address */ } *current=calloct(1,sizeof(addfile_chain)); if (*current) { (*current)->next=NULL; (*current)->pos=-1; (*current)->name[0]='\0'; } if (*current) { strcpybuff((*current)->name,file); (*current)->pos=file_position; return 1; } else { printf("PANIC! Too many Java files during parsing [1]\n"); return -1; } } else { /* copy last element in file and delete it */ if (file) file[0]='\0'; if (*chain) { struct addfile_chain** current; int pos=-1; current=chain; /* start from */ while( (*current)->next ) { current=&( (*current)->next ); /* 'next' address */ } if (file) strcpybuff(file,(*current)->name); pos=(*current)->pos; freet(*current); *current=NULL; return pos; } return -1; /* no more elements */ } return 0; } #endif #if HTS_ANALYSTE // en train de parser un fichier html? rÈponse: % effectuÈs // flag>0 : refresh demandÈ HTSEXT_API int hts_is_parsing(int flag) { if (_hts_in_html_parsing) { // parsing? if (flag>=0) _hts_in_html_poll=1; // faudrait un tit refresh return max(_hts_in_html_done,1); // % effectuÈs } else { return 0; // non } } HTSEXT_API int hts_is_testing(void) { // 0 non 1 test 2 purge if (_hts_in_html_parsing==2) return 1; else if (_hts_in_html_parsing==3) return 2; return 0; } HTSEXT_API int hts_is_exiting(void) { return exit_xh; } // message d'erreur? char* hts_errmsg(void) { return _hts_errmsg; } // mode pause transfer HTSEXT_API int hts_setpause(int p) { if (p>=0) _hts_setpause=p; return _hts_setpause; } // ask for termination HTSEXT_API int hts_request_stop(int force) { httrackp* opt=hts_declareoptbuffer(NULL); if (opt) { opt->state.stop=1; } return 0; } // rÈgler en cours de route les paramËtres rÈglables.. // -1 : erreur HTSEXT_API int hts_setopt(httrackp* set_opt) { if (set_opt) { httrackp* engine_opt=hts_declareoptbuffer(NULL); if (engine_opt) { //_hts_setopt=opt; copy_htsopt(set_opt,engine_opt); } } return 0; } // ajout d'URL // -1 : erreur HTSEXT_API int hts_addurl(char** url) { if (url) _hts_addurl=url; return (_hts_addurl!=NULL); } HTSEXT_API int hts_resetaddurl(void) { _hts_addurl=NULL; return (_hts_addurl!=NULL); } // copier nouveaux paramËtres si besoin HTSEXT_API int copy_htsopt(httrackp* from,httrackp* to) { if (from->maxsite > -1) to->maxsite = from->maxsite; if (from->maxfile_nonhtml > -1) to->maxfile_nonhtml = from->maxfile_nonhtml; if (from->maxfile_html > -1) to->maxfile_html = from->maxfile_html; if (from->maxsoc > 0) to->maxsoc = from->maxsoc; if (from->nearlink > -1) to->nearlink = from->nearlink; if (from->timeout > -1) to->timeout = from->timeout; if (from->rateout > -1) to->rateout = from->rateout; if (from->maxtime > -1) to->maxtime = from->maxtime; if (from->maxrate > -1) to->maxrate = from->maxrate; if (strnotempty(from->user_agent)) strcpybuff(to->user_agent , from->user_agent); if (from->retry > -1) to->retry = from->retry; if (from->hostcontrol > -1) to->hostcontrol = from->hostcontrol; if (from->errpage > -1) to->errpage = from->errpage; if (from->parseall > -1) to->parseall = from->parseall; // test all: bit 8 de travel if (from->travel > -1) { if (from->travel & 256) to->travel|=256; else to->travel&=255; } return 0; } #endif // /* External modules callback */ int htsAddLink(htsmoduleStruct* str, char* link) { if (link != NULL && str != NULL && link[0] != '\0') { lien_url** liens = (lien_url**) str->liens; httrackp* opt = (httrackp*) str->opt; lien_back* back = (lien_back*) str->back; cache_back* cache = (cache_back*) str->cache; hash_struct* hashptr = (hash_struct*) str->hashptr; int back_max = str->back_max; int numero_passe = str->numero_passe; int add_tab_alloc = str->add_tab_alloc; /* */ int lien_tot = * ( (int*) (str->lien_tot_) ); int ptr = * ( (int*) (str->ptr_) ); int lien_size = * ( (int*) (str->lien_size_) ); char* lien_buffer = * ( (char**) (str->lien_buffer_) ); /* */ /* */ char adr[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2], fil[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2], save[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; char codebase[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; /* */ int pass_fix, prio_fix; /* */ int forbidden_url = 1; codebase[0]='\0'; if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"(module): adding link : '%s'"LF, link); test_flush; } // recopie de "creer le lien" // // adr = c'est la mÍme // fil et save: save2 et fil2 prio_fix=maximum(liens[ptr]->depth-1,0); pass_fix=max(liens[ptr]->pass2,numero_passe); if (liens[ptr]->cod) strcpybuff(codebase,liens[ptr]->cod); // codebase valable pour tt les classes descendantes if (strnotempty(codebase)==0) { // pas de codebase, construire char* a; if (str->relativeToHtmlLink == 0) strcpybuff(codebase,liens[ptr]->fil); else strcpybuff(codebase,liens[liens[ptr]->precedent]->fil); a=codebase+strlen(codebase)-1; while((*a) && (*a!='/') && ( a > codebase)) a--; if (*a=='/') *(a+1)='\0'; // couper } else { // couper http:// Èventuel if (strfield(codebase,"http://")) { char tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; char* a=codebase+7; a=strchr(a,'/'); // aprËs host if (a) { // ** msg erreur et vÈrifier? strcpybuff(tempo,a); strcpybuff(codebase,tempo); // couper host } else { if (opt->errlog) { fprintf(opt->errlog,"Unexpected strstr error in base %s"LF,codebase); test_flush; } } } } if (!((int) strlen(codebase)<HTS_URLMAXSIZE)) { // trop long if (opt->errlog) { fprintf(opt->errlog,"Codebase too long, parsing skipped (%s)"LF,codebase); test_flush; } } { char* lien = link; int dejafait=0; if (strnotempty(lien) && strlen(lien) < HTS_URLMAXSIZE) { // calculer les chemins et noms de sauvegarde if (ident_url_relatif(lien,urladr,codebase,adr,fil)>=0) { // reformage selon chemin int r; int set_prio_to = 0; int just_test_it = 0; forbidden_url = hts_acceptlink(opt, ptr, lien_tot, liens, adr,fil, opt->filters.filters, opt->filters.filptr, opt->maxfilter, (robots_wizard* ) opt->robotsptr, &set_prio_to, &just_test_it); if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"result for wizard external module link: %d"LF,forbidden_url); test_flush; } /* Link accepted */ if (!forbidden_url) { char tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; int a,b; tempo[0]='\0'; a=opt->savename_type; b=opt->savename_83; opt->savename_type=0; opt->savename_83=0; // note: adr,fil peuvent Ítre patchÈs r=url_savename(adr,fil,save,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,opt,liens,lien_tot,back,back_max,cache,hashptr,ptr,numero_passe); opt->savename_type=a; opt->savename_83=b; if (r != -1) { if (savename) { if (lienrelatif(tempo,save,savename)==0) { if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"(module): relative link at %s build with %s and %s: %s"LF,adr,save,savename,tempo); test_flush; if (str->localLink && str->localLinkSize > (int) strlen(tempo) + 1) { strcpybuff(str->localLink, tempo); } } } } } } else { if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"(module): file not caught: %s"LF,lien); test_flush; } if (str->localLink && str->localLinkSize > (int) ( strlen(adr) + strlen(fil) + 8 ) ) { str->localLink[0] = '\0'; if (!link_has_authority(adr)) strcpybuff(str->localLink,"http://"); strcatbuff(str->localLink, adr); strcatbuff(str->localLink, fil); } r=-1; } // if (r != -1) { if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"(module): %s%s -> %s (base %s)"LF,adr,fil,save,codebase); test_flush; } // modifiÈ par rapport ‡ l'autre version (cf prio_fix notamment et save2) // vÈrifier que le lien n'a pas dÈja ÈtÈ notÈ // si c'est le cas, alors il faut s'assurer que la prioritÈ associÈe // au fichier est la plus grande des deux prioritÈs // // On part de la fin et on essaye de se presser (Èconomise temps machine) #if HTS_HASH { int i=hash_read(hashptr,save,"",0); // lecture type 0 (sav) if (i>=0) { liens[i]->depth=maximum(liens[i]->depth,prio_fix); dejafait=1; } } #else { int l; int i; l=strlen(save); for(i=lien_tot-1;(i>=0) && (dejafait==0);i--) { if (liens[i]->sav_len==l) { // mÍme taille de chaÓne if (strcmp(liens[i]->sav,save)==0) { // existe dÈja liens[i]->depth=maximum(liens[i]->depth,prio_fix); dejafait=1; } } } } #endif if (!dejafait) { // // >>>> CREER LE LIEN JAVA <<<< // enregistrer fichier (MACRO) liens_record(adr,fil,save,"",""); if (liens[lien_tot]==NULL) { // erreur, pas de place rÈservÈe printf("PANIC! : Not enough memory [%d]\n",__LINE__); if (opt->errlog) { fprintf(opt->errlog,"Not enough memory, can not re-allocate %d bytes"LF,(int)((add_tab_alloc+1)*sizeof(lien_url))); test_flush; } exit_xh=1; /* fatal error -> exit */ return 0; } // mode test? liens[lien_tot]->testmode=0; // pas mode test liens[lien_tot]->link_import=0; // pas mode import // Ècrire autres paramËtres de la structure-lien //if (meme_adresse) liens[lien_tot]->premier=liens[ptr]->premier; //else // sinon l'objet pËre est le prÈcÈdent lui mÍme // liens[lien_tot]->premier=ptr; liens[lien_tot]->precedent=ptr; // noter la prioritÈ liens[lien_tot]->depth=prio_fix; liens[lien_tot]->pass2=max(pass_fix,numero_passe); liens[lien_tot]->retry=opt->retry; //strcpybuff(liens[lien_tot]->adr,adr); //strcpybuff(liens[lien_tot]->fil,fil); //strcpybuff(liens[lien_tot]->sav,save); if ((opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL)) { fspc(opt->log,"debug"); fprintf(opt->log,"(module): OK, NOTE: %s%s -> %s"LF,liens[lien_tot]->adr,liens[lien_tot]->fil,liens[lien_tot]->sav); test_flush; } lien_tot++; // UN LIEN DE PLUS } } } } } /* Apply changes */ * ( (int*) (str->lien_tot_) ) = lien_tot; * ( (int*) (str->ptr_) ) = ptr; * ( (int*) (str->lien_size_) ) = lien_size; * ( (char**) (str->lien_buffer_) ) = lien_buffer; return (forbidden_url == 0); } return 0; } // message copyright interne void voidf(void) { char* a; a=""CRLF""CRLF; a="+-----------------------------------------------+"CRLF; a="|HyperTextTRACKer, Offline Browser Utility |"CRLF; a="| HTTrack Website Copier |"CRLF; a="|Code: Windows Interface Xavier Roche |"CRLF; a="| HTS/HTTrack Xavier Roche |"CRLF; a="| .class Parser Yann Philippot |"CRLF; a="| |"CRLF; a="|Tested on: Windows95,98,NT,2K |"CRLF; a="| Linux PC |"CRLF; a="| Sun-Solaris 5.6 |"CRLF; a="| AIX 4 |"CRLF; a="| |"CRLF; a="|Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other |"CRLF; a="|contributors |"CRLF; a="| |"CRLF; a="|Use this program at your own risks! |"CRLF; a="+-----------------------------------------------+"CRLF; a=""CRLF; } // HTTrack Website Copier Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors //